Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How Much Light Should I Give a Pineapple Plant?

    Sunlight Required

    • Most pineapple plants are grown from the green and leafy crown of a fruit. The new plant can easily develop indoors until it grows large enough and needs to be planted outdoors. As a potted plant placed indoors, keep the plant by a window that receives direct sunlight for most of the day. When planted outside, the plant will flourish in direct sunlight for at least eight hours a day.

    Pineapple Essentials

    • Other than plenty of direct sunlight, a healthy pineapple plant has special needs like any plant. Nitrogen is an important mineral in the plant's soil to promote larger fruit growth. Pineapples quickly freeze and die in frost conditions. Protection is often needed to guard maturing plants against raccoons, mites and root rot.

    The Average Pineapple Plant

    • With an average height between two and five feet tall, gardeners have to make plenty of room for this spiny plant. Its long pointed leaves grow outward and have sharp spines on the tips. When a pineapple plant blooms, it grows dozens of small white flowers on a long stem. A pineapple fruit is actually many berries fused together to form one larger fruit.

    Pineapples Worldwide

    • While most pineapple species originate from Central and South America, one variety is native to Africa. Introduced pineapple plants thrive in hot, snow-free environments worldwide, such as Guam, the Philippines and Hawaii. Although growing pineapple plants is easier in warm locales, they can be cultivated in any greenhouse.

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