How to Fix a KitchenAid Dishwasher That Will Not Pump Out Water
- 1). Press firmly on the KitchenAid dishwasher's door, if you interrupted the cycle by opening the door to add dirty dishes. The dishwasher will not operate, let alone pump out water, if the door is not securely closed and latched. You can open the door when the "Clean" light illuminates, indicating all cycles are complete.
- 2). Press the "Cancel/Drain" button while the door is open, if the dishwasher fails to pump out water even though the "Clean" light is on. Close the door to let the dishwasher drain the tub. You will know the drainage process is complete after the "Cancel/Drain" light goes off, which is usually after 2 minutes.
- 3). Open the dishwasher's door to temporarily interrupt the cycle. Walk over to the kitchen sink. Look inside the drain that has the garbage disposal unit installed below to check for undisposed food waste. Do not stick your fingers or other utensils down the drain, as that could pose a safety hazard. Turn on the power switch on the wall to clear out the garbage disposal. Restart the dishwashing cycle. The pump in the dishwasher pushes dirty water out through a hose connected the disposal chamber. A clogged sink drain can affect the dishwasher.
- 4). Stop the dishwasher, again, to check the drainage hose under the kitchen sink. Open the cabinet door and find the opaque or see-through hose that is running from the dishwasher's direction toward the garbage disposal chamber. Straighten the hose if it has bends along the length. Restart the dishwasher. The pump can't drain the dishwasher's water if the hose is obstructed.
- 5). Open the dishwasher's door to halt the cycle, check the looping of the drainage hose under the sink to make sure it is at the proper clearance. Inside the cabinet, at the top, the drainage hose should touch the underside of the counter, at a height of about 20 inches, before finally terminating at the garbage disposal or sink drain. Resume the dishwasher.