Home & Garden Home Appliances

Honey Bee Repellent


    • If you plan to enter Africanized honeybee territory, wear loose-fitting clothes with light colors to reduce the intensity of the attack. Wear a hat or a kerchief around your head because the bees often attack the head. Carry a repellent spray that contains DEET.


    • Spraying DEET on the skin does not keep honeybees away, but it disperses bees in case they attack you. If the bees attack you, run while spraying the air with the repellent spray.


    • While applying DEET to the skin does not change the behavior of Africanized honeybees, other repellents can actually attract them. A research by scientists at the Carl Hayden Bee Research Center found that an insect repellent rub for horses by the name of Repel X triggered Africanized honeybee attacks.

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