Health & Medical Pregnancy & Birth & Newborn

Time Your Intercourse For Better Results While Trying For A Baby

According to the experts the ideal time to have an intercourse if you trying to get pregnant is the time when you ovulate i.
the time when the egg is released from the ovary.
It is a well established fact that sperm can live inside a woman's body for up to 7 days but the egg can only for 12-24 hrs hence to increase your chances of getting pregnant you should ideally have intercourse one or two days prior to ovulation.
That way, there is likely to be a healthy supply of sperm waiting in your Fallopian tubes when an egg is released.
According to a study conducted on a group of 220 women who were trying to conceive, it was found out that 191 of them who got pregnant had sex at some point in the six days leading up to ovulation and the majority of the females who conceived had sex in the day or two before ovulation.
But to make the process of getting pregnant simpler, fertility experts are of the view that rather than focusing your efforts on the days when you think you are about to ovulate, you should have sex every throughout your menstrual cycle.
Become aware of your body Some women are quite aware of their bodies and can clearly figure out when they are ovulating but there are many who are not sure of the whole process of ovulation.
Your body gives you some natural symptoms that you are approaching ovulation, its just that you need to be more aware.
Some of the common symptoms may start about three weeks prior to your next period.
• Increase in your vaginal discharge • Increased libido • Feelings of discomfort on one side of your middle abdomen Many experts are of the view that the most effective way of increasing your chances of getting pregnant is to have sex two to three times a week.
It's worth trying for a few months before looking for other alternatives for getting pregnant.
Morag Martindale, Babycentre's family doctor, suggests that, "If you do not become pregnant after, say, six months of actively trying (particularly if you are over 35 years of age), it's worth talking to your doctor.
He or she may well suggest that you track your cycle for a few months to identify how regular your periods are and when and if you are ovulating.
Your doctor can also give you advice about your health and what you can do to increase your chances of conceiving.

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