The Most Likely Places to Search for Asbestos for Removal in Old Homes
Remodeling an old home can be dangerous especially if it's one that was laden with asbestos based materials when it was constructed.
So, the first thing you'll want to do is to call in an asbestos removal expert.
That said hiring an expert service to inspect and then eventually clean your home can be very expensive this is why you may want to consider doing it yourself.
The good news is if you know exactly where to looking finding asbestos is not difficult.
Which homes to suspect? If the home that you've purchased was built between the 1920s and early 80s then there is a good chance that it was laden with asbestos.
In the past asbestos was known as a miracle fiber which was cheap to produce and was fire resistant.
Asbestos was also used as pipe insulation, ductwork and in various types of vinyl floorings.
Check the heating duct insulation In homes that date back to the 60s asbestos paper may have been used around heating ducts in homes and offices.
Back then there were two popular materials that were used to wrap these ducts the most common looked like regular thick white paper while the other resembles plaster of Paris.
Check the roof shingles Homes that were built between the 20s and 60s used asbestos fibers which were combined with Portland cement in order to manufacture durable roofs which were fire resistant.
So, if the home you've purchased dates back to the 60s or 50s its worth checking the roof.
Roof asbestos removal can be both extensive and difficult once you've determined that it's there.
Check the acoustic tiles on the ceiling Some types of acoustic tiles may contain asbestos.
However, it can be very difficult to know for sure if the tiles do have high levels of asbestos without getting a few samples checked in a laboratory.
Floor tiles Asphalt and vinyl floor tiles which date back to the 20s had asbestos fibers contained in them.
If you are redoing your kitchen and are going to remove the tiles there is a good chance that the affected tiles may lie beneath the existing flooring.
The reason being that the previous owner in order to save himself time and money built over the old tiles instead of removing them.
Removing the flooring can easily throw up asbestos into the air which is what makes this job dangerous and it would be a good idea to call in experts to take a look.
If your home does contain high levels of asbestos in the locations described above then the best thing to do would be to call in professionals.
However, you'll only want to call professionals if you intend on remodeling or renovating the home.
Asbestos that is undisturbed is not dangerous and you can continue to live there with your family but the slightest structural problems, rust and cracks can knock the asbestos loose and make it dangerous for everyone in the home.
So, the first thing you'll want to do is to call in an asbestos removal expert.
That said hiring an expert service to inspect and then eventually clean your home can be very expensive this is why you may want to consider doing it yourself.
The good news is if you know exactly where to looking finding asbestos is not difficult.
Which homes to suspect? If the home that you've purchased was built between the 1920s and early 80s then there is a good chance that it was laden with asbestos.
In the past asbestos was known as a miracle fiber which was cheap to produce and was fire resistant.
Asbestos was also used as pipe insulation, ductwork and in various types of vinyl floorings.
Check the heating duct insulation In homes that date back to the 60s asbestos paper may have been used around heating ducts in homes and offices.
Back then there were two popular materials that were used to wrap these ducts the most common looked like regular thick white paper while the other resembles plaster of Paris.
Check the roof shingles Homes that were built between the 20s and 60s used asbestos fibers which were combined with Portland cement in order to manufacture durable roofs which were fire resistant.
So, if the home you've purchased dates back to the 60s or 50s its worth checking the roof.
Roof asbestos removal can be both extensive and difficult once you've determined that it's there.
Check the acoustic tiles on the ceiling Some types of acoustic tiles may contain asbestos.
However, it can be very difficult to know for sure if the tiles do have high levels of asbestos without getting a few samples checked in a laboratory.
Floor tiles Asphalt and vinyl floor tiles which date back to the 20s had asbestos fibers contained in them.
If you are redoing your kitchen and are going to remove the tiles there is a good chance that the affected tiles may lie beneath the existing flooring.
The reason being that the previous owner in order to save himself time and money built over the old tiles instead of removing them.
Removing the flooring can easily throw up asbestos into the air which is what makes this job dangerous and it would be a good idea to call in experts to take a look.
If your home does contain high levels of asbestos in the locations described above then the best thing to do would be to call in professionals.
However, you'll only want to call professionals if you intend on remodeling or renovating the home.
Asbestos that is undisturbed is not dangerous and you can continue to live there with your family but the slightest structural problems, rust and cracks can knock the asbestos loose and make it dangerous for everyone in the home.