Post New Year"s Resolution - It"s Never Too Late
So you missed making any New Year's resolutions before January 1st.
Fear not.
November and December feature more than enough distractions, added responsibilities and commitments during the holidays.
Despite all our so-called time-saving 21st century devices, we're more overwhelmed than ever before.
For this reason it's justifiably difficult to take a breather and focus on new beginnings and transformations for the coming year.
Opportunities always abound and are still there when you're ready as long as you had prior genuine commitments.
Opportunity will still be in the waiting room even as the train pulls out.
Just because you miss the train doesn't mean the rail yard is empty.
But when you use laziness and sloth as excuses, opportunity vanishes in a heartbeat.
The waiting room seat won't even be warm when you arrive.
Many of these so-called start dates for change are artificial and self-imposed, a psychological obstacle or excuse we place before us because change can be scary even when it's voluntary.
The control we have is the present.
The past is gone.
This concept mirrors a saying for aviators, "There's nothing more useless than runway behind you and sky above you.
" Particularly for those living in wintry climes what better time to start anew than during the post-holiday winter doldrums when there are fewer distractions and the dominating weather is cold, the days are short and the skies are a depressing industrial gray.
It's an excellent environment to close the daylight between the idea, intent and action in a seamless ignition to grab the momentum and to catapult yourself towards your dreams in quantum leaps.
All this ultimately comes down to mindset.
First, you must psychologically eliminate artificially imposed dates.
Second, you mustn't be overly specific on what you want.
Too much specificity often bleeds over into delays, excuses and procrastination which will stall your progress.
Establish a general goal and then work on the specifics while on the road.
Sometimes you'll discover that there are even better options as you cruise along and then easily change lanes instead of remaining at the entrance ramp plotting in excruciating detail every road you need to take.
Third, during this journey on this transformation road presents its own challenges: bumpy or pot holed areas, slick spots, fog, high tolls, and inevitably other vehicles abandoned at the side of the road by drivers who had excellent ideas and intentions but simply gave up.
By undertaking in earnest your transformation now you'll already see measurable progress by springtime.
The upcoming challenges will still be there but less daunting because you've accomplished the hardest part - to get going.
Fear not.
November and December feature more than enough distractions, added responsibilities and commitments during the holidays.
Despite all our so-called time-saving 21st century devices, we're more overwhelmed than ever before.
For this reason it's justifiably difficult to take a breather and focus on new beginnings and transformations for the coming year.
Opportunities always abound and are still there when you're ready as long as you had prior genuine commitments.
Opportunity will still be in the waiting room even as the train pulls out.
Just because you miss the train doesn't mean the rail yard is empty.
But when you use laziness and sloth as excuses, opportunity vanishes in a heartbeat.
The waiting room seat won't even be warm when you arrive.
Many of these so-called start dates for change are artificial and self-imposed, a psychological obstacle or excuse we place before us because change can be scary even when it's voluntary.
The control we have is the present.
The past is gone.
This concept mirrors a saying for aviators, "There's nothing more useless than runway behind you and sky above you.
" Particularly for those living in wintry climes what better time to start anew than during the post-holiday winter doldrums when there are fewer distractions and the dominating weather is cold, the days are short and the skies are a depressing industrial gray.
It's an excellent environment to close the daylight between the idea, intent and action in a seamless ignition to grab the momentum and to catapult yourself towards your dreams in quantum leaps.
All this ultimately comes down to mindset.
First, you must psychologically eliminate artificially imposed dates.
Second, you mustn't be overly specific on what you want.
Too much specificity often bleeds over into delays, excuses and procrastination which will stall your progress.
Establish a general goal and then work on the specifics while on the road.
Sometimes you'll discover that there are even better options as you cruise along and then easily change lanes instead of remaining at the entrance ramp plotting in excruciating detail every road you need to take.
Third, during this journey on this transformation road presents its own challenges: bumpy or pot holed areas, slick spots, fog, high tolls, and inevitably other vehicles abandoned at the side of the road by drivers who had excellent ideas and intentions but simply gave up.
By undertaking in earnest your transformation now you'll already see measurable progress by springtime.
The upcoming challenges will still be there but less daunting because you've accomplished the hardest part - to get going.