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  1. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    What is placenta previa?Placenta previa is a pregnancy problem in which the placenta blocks the cervix. The placenta is a round, flat organ that forms on the inside wall of the uterus soon after conception. During pregnancy, it gives the baby food and oxygen from the mother.In a normal pregnancy, the placenta is attached high up in the uterus, away from the cervix. In placenta previa, the placenta forms low in the uterus and covers all or part of the cervix. If placenta previa is present during labor and delivery, it can cause problems for both mother and baby.The mother may lose a lot of blood, which can be dangerous for both her and her baby. The placenta may separate too early from the wall of the uterus. This is called placenta abruptio, and it can cause serious bleeding, too.The baby may be born too early (premature), at a low birth weight, or with a birth defect.What causes placenta previa?Doctors aren't sure what causes this problem. But some things make you more likely to have
  2. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    Routine exams and tests At each prenatal visit,you can expect to be weighed and have your urine and blood pressure checked. Your health professional will monitor your fetus's growth and position by measuring the size of your uterus (fundal height) and feeling (palpating) your abdomen. If your fetus is not in the head-down (vertex) position after 36 weeks (as confirmed by fetal ultrasound ),...
  3. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Types of Tests

    Two types of tests are done during pregnancy to look for birth defects-screening and diagnostic. Screening tests see whether your baby is likely to have birth defects; if a screening test is positive-meaning a problem may be present-a diagnostic test is done to confirm or rule out the problem. A negative screening test means it is unlikely that the baby has a birth defect. However, it does not ...
  4. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    Regular prenatal examinations are a top priority during any pregnancy. They are important both for monitoring your own and your fetus's health and for giving you and your health professional time to build a working relationship. If your pregnancy is going well,you will have a regular schedule of prenatal checkups. These will become more frequent as you near your due date. A general example ...
  5. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    While you are pregnant,you may also have other common problems,like a cold,mild headache,backache,mild fever,or the flu,that are not caused by your pregnancy. These minor symptoms generally do not cause problems or hurt your baby. It is safe to use acetaminophen,such as Tylenol,during pregnancy to help relieve discomfort or mild fever. Acetaminophen dosage : The usual dose is 650 mg; ...
  6. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Prevention

    Even if you have a healthy pregnancy, you may go into preterm labor. It is difficult to prevent preterm labor because it is usually not anticipated, and it is often due to causes that are not completely understood.
  7. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    Birth defects tests are done during pregnancy to look for possible problems with an unborn baby (fetus). Birth defects develop when something is wrong with the genetic material (genes or chromosomes), an organ, or body chemistry. A birth defect may have only a mild impact on a child's life, or it can have a major effect on quality of life or life span. Birth defects include:Genetic disorders such
  8. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    Your first prenatal visit is likely to be more extensive than later prenatal checks. Your doctor will take your medical history and perform a complete physical exam. Medical history Your medical history helps your doctor plan the best possible care for your pregnancy and childbirth. It includes: Your menstrual history,including your age when menstruation started,whether your cycles are ...
  9. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    During pregnancy,a uterine infection causes inflammation,which can trigger preterm labor. This inflammation can also stimulate the amnion cells to produce fetal fibronectin,a protein. Fetal fibronectin testing is sometimes done when preterm labor symptoms are present. When the fetal fibronectin test is negative,it is unlikely that you are having preterm labor. But even if the test is ...
  10. Alcohol Effects on a Fetus - Topic Overview

    Caffeine is the most frequently used drug during pregnancy. In small amounts,caffeine is considered safe for the fetus. It's a good idea to keep your caffeine intake below 200 mg a day because: 1 More caffeine may be connected to a higher rate of miscarriage. There is not enough evidence to know for sure. 2 Caffeine is a diuretic,meaning it makes you urinate more often. This can cause you ...

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