Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Skin Care For the Baby

Babies' skin is very sensitive.
It is thinner, more fragile and less oily than an adult's.
 Their immune systems are immature and they are subjected to a myriad of chemicals from the moment they are born.
The newborn babies are more likely to suffer irritants, illness or injuries which are troubling many parents who want to give their baby the best care.
In fact, these are common occurrences that can be managed.
Here are some useful baby skin care tips for new parents.
One of the ways to care is to make sure that the skin of the baby is clean and dry.
If your baby's skin appears dry, try cutting back on the number of baths each week.
Also, limit the creams and powders to only those that are made especially for babies.
Too many perfumes or oils can easily irritate delicate skin.
When dressing your baby, choose loose-fitting, soft garments and layer for warmth.
Be sensitive to your baby's environment, and be ready to peel off a layer or two when in a warm car, shop or restaurant.
Before you use any baby clothes for the first time, wash the items in a hypoallergenic detergent or soap formulated for babies.
Do not left the baby in the sun too long, even if they are wearing sunscreen.
Infants younger than six months of age should not be exposed to direct sunlight.
Hats and sunglasses and light, loose clothing will help protect your baby from the sun.
Sunburn causes pain and may increase the risk of developing skin cancer later in life.
Limit exposure between 10 a.
and 2 p.
While some parents like to give the baby a bath every day, most babies, especially younger infants, only need one every few days.
In between baths, parents should take care to keep baby's face and bottom very clean.
Wipe your baby's face and head gently with a soft, wet washcloth or dampened cotton balls.
Babies can have tub baths only after the exposed umbilical cord has fallen off, which can take up to a month after birth.
First baths will now be carried out using plain water and cotton wool.
This will help to protect the delicate skin while it is vulnerable to germs, chemicals and water loss.
A baby comb can be used to gently remove any debris from thick hair after delivery.
Please bring a baby comb into hospital with you.
In hot weather, your baby may develop prickly heat or heat rash which is more common if the infant is overdressed.
The rash develops because the baby's pores don't work properly yet.
It looks like tiny raised red bumps on a red patch and is most often found around the neck, on the chest and back and on the scalp.
A cool bath and comfortable clothing may help the baby be more comfortable.

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