Family & Relationships Conflict

The Worst Move You Can Make After Getting Dumped

It certainly is a different world after a breakup.
 In a matter of a day or so, the rules of the game can change drastically.
 When it comes to how you treat your ex and the relationship you have now, well it's like night and day.
 And that's one of the biggest mistakes you can make: not knowing the rules and the boundaries of the new relationship.
  It doesn't matter how long you've been together or what you've been through, you eventually must come to the realization that things will never be the same and your ex isn't the same person they were before the breakup.
 Failure to see how much things have changed is the downfall of many jilted lovers.
  One of the biggest differences you'll notice is how intimacy is no longer an option.
 That closeness and love you felt for each other (and expressed openly) is gone for now.
 Although there may still be strong feelings of love, you've got to learn to keep them to yourself.
  Unfortunately, after the breakup, and when emotions are at their highest, many people make the mistake of trying to show feelings towards their ex.
 This almost never ends well and is the last thing your ex needs (and wants) right now.
 Don't forget that they likely agonized for days before coming to the decision to dump you.
 There is no way they can come back that quickly and pretend like nothing has happened.
  Remember, as hard as it may be, you've got to resist the urge to show feelings toward your former partner.
 If you can do this and start treating them more like a friend, you're going to position yourself favorably for another chance.
 Even though you may stay in the friend zone for a while, there's a good chance that you'll be able to rebuild that love and affection from scratch again.

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