Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Relationship Building is a Personal Thing

As they say, everyone loves a lover or everyone is in love with lovers.
It does take two to tango, love is never having to say you are sorry and that to love others you must first love yourself.
Of course, there are many other things that they may say that sound wonderful, sensible and oh so true.
Relationship building is the doing and not doing of so many things when it comes to real and true love.
Good sound relationships are essential for all of us.
Whether dating, romancing, courting, engaged, newly weds or married relationship building is of the utmost importance.
Why is it do you suppose that everyone loves a lover or that everyone is in love with lovers? The answer to this question lies within the heart of hearts of us all.
We love, love.
We need love, and to get love we must give love.
This is one of the meanings behind their saying that love is a two-way street.
It is also fitting for the tangoing duo.
Relationship building is the willingly giving and taking within a healthy relationship.
But, what about the love is never having to say you are sorry part of relationship building? Well, this part involves being truly fond of the person with whom you are building the relationship.
When you do truly care for someone, you would never consider doing something that could devastate their fondness of you.
Of course, being only human, we all make mistakes.
Therefore, it is in the best interests of any romantic or dating relationship that if and when the time comes; being able to say you are sorry is possible as well as sincere.
This is true of forgiveness as well.
To love others you must first love yourself is not the least of that to do with love.
For indeed, to be able to truly love others, you must love yourself.
When it comes to relationship building this is an essential aspect of the foundation.
Anytime you sit to consider that you are constantly in bad relationships, you really need to consider whether you do truly love yourself.
You must know and practice loving who you are.
You need to know how to take care of yourself.
Taking care of yourself involves many considerations.
Relationship building really is a personal thing.
By learning to love yourself, you also learn how to care for and love others.
Relationship building also includes that of doing unto others as you would have them do unto you.
When you want a companion that is honest, trusting, caring, sincere, reliable and always there for you through thick and thin, you have to know how to do those things as well as to practice them.
Relationship building whether you are in a dating relationship or have been married for years, means being yourself, loving yourself and enhancing your character as you grow.
Healthy relationship building is essential in any situation; however, when it comes to dating and other romantic relationships; simply be yourself, while loving yourself.
Be open and willing to give and take.
Enjoy yourself, your special someone and the time you spend together while building your relationship.
Remember, when you love someone you always want to give them the best you have to give, while receiving their best in return.

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