Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Anointing Yourself With Forgiveness

When you are in the state of blame you live in victimization.
You see darkness as a force outside of you trying to get you.
Once you forgive you begin to dissolve the patterns of victimization.
You will no longer draw to you others or circumstances to victimize you.
When you hold another in blame, you blame yourself.
View your participation in all your exchanges.
No one can truly hurt you.
It is how you view and judge an others behavior that causes you pain and suffering.
It is your need to be loved that cause you pain.
Forgiveness is the key to your happiness.
Love shall transcend you and free you.
Become love as you forgive others and yourself.
You shall be one with the substance of love and Life Eternal shall be yours.
The gates to the Kingdom are open to you; walk through in love Beloved Ones.
I beseech you to forgive and become the love that you are.
Spiritual Wisdom is the true Science of Life.
Learn to work with the truth and your life will become easy, harmonious and fruitful.
-- Jesus As I have been working with this spiritual wisdom my life continues to unfold.
Deep healing occurs within me and I see my needs, and incorrect perceptions.
Insights become a daily occurrence and the freedom is utter joy.
I marvel at what I have created from my own limited thinking and how once forgiven my life is like magic filled with love and joy.
I love not being a victim and becoming the cause of my own destiny.

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