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How to Create a Cash-Erupting Volcano Using Viral Video

Now it's time to talk about how to create a cash-erupting volcano using viral video.
What on earth does that mean? Basically I'm going to show you how you can use video tools to get your affiliate message out there and actually make a lot more affiliate sales without doing that much extra work.
We're starting off on this site.
This is http://www.
This is a free tool, as it says there, free streaming video that lets you record the screen, similar to what you're watching right now.
You can use this to do case studies, to go through member areas if you have the permission of the product owner, to do reviews of products, to go through and show your potential buyers different products and the websites that the products are being sold from.
You can even use it to go on the sales letter and show people down a page and say, "Look, this is the sales letter.
This is the particular part that's important here.
" Show people the guarantee.
Show people the testimonials.
You can do all kinds of stuff and really all you need is this free software and some sort of microphone.
You might get a headset microphone or you might just get a simple handheld microphone.
You can probably pick one up for about $10 or something like that.
The first step is to get over to CamStudio.
Once you land on this site you'll find somewhere a download link to actually download the .
exe file.
I've already done that and downloaded that file.
You then install it.
It takes literally about 10 seconds to install.
It's very very quick, and this is the program here.
All you need to do is set up a couple of things.
You've got a couple of options here.
You can record to .
avi, which is a high-quality format but it's large in file size, but you can use that to upload to YouTube, and I'll explain in a moment why you would want to do that.
Or if you click on this button here you can change that and actually record to .
swf, which is Shockwave Flash.
This is a lower file size.
You can't upload flash files to places like YouTube, but you can put them directly on your site.
So if you already have a website and you're familiar with how to do that, you might want to record to flash.
Otherwise, just stick to recording to .
That's what I'm going to show you on this video.
I don't have time to go through and show you how to upload files to your website and do all that stuff in flash, so I'm just going to show you how to create a video using this free tool, and recording it in this .
avi format.
You don't need to know what that means.
It's just that is a format that YouTube will then let you upload.
Now I'm sure you're aware of YouTube.
It's a massive site.
Millions and millions of people use this.
You upload your video and the videos are then viewable by potentially millions and millions of people.
The idea is if you do a good video it starts going viral and your affiliate link can be included in that video, and I'll show you how you can do that.
So for Step 1 get over to CamStudio.
org, download the tool, install it, and then you'll see it here.
You've selected record to .
avi and now there's a couple of options you need to go into.
If you go into Options you'll see here you've got record from microphone.
You can go in and set up the options for your microphone and make sure everything's working.
There's different tools you can play around with.
It's pretty basic.
As you would guess, pressing the red button actually records.
You can set a fixed region.
You can record the entire screen.
If you click this one where it says just Region, you specify the region when you record.
That's the one that I prefer, so when you click Record you would then go and specify an area on the site.
You would kind of draw a box similar to this and then it would start recording in this area only.
You can then move up and down the page.
That makes it a lot easier for you to control what you're showing people.
Sometimes you don't want to show people everything that's on the screen, just to save them from getting distracted.
Let's just go ahead and we're going to record a video.
I'm just going to click on this Record button.
You'll now see that I get this pen.
I then draw a box.
We're now up and running.
You should be able to see this page here counting down, showing how long we're recording, and this is it recording.
I'm now recording a video as I'm recording this video for you.
It's somewhat confusing, but the idea is that you can record this video.
So let me just now stop this video.
So that's that video recorded, obviously just a test video.
I'll just call it test.
It's now saving the video.
You can see here it says 'compressing the audio' that goes along with it.
Really, the sky is the limit as to what you can record with it.
As I've said, if you get permission from the product owner you can go into the members area, you can do a product review, you can open an eBook and review some of that book, maybe just go through the contents page, actually doing the before, the during, and the after case study on-screen to show people.
You can even create products with this.
You don't have to use it just solely for doing affiliate promotions.
So here we are.
We've now got this window.
This is the video that I just recorded a moment ago.
Let me just click Play on this and I'll show you.
This is me now playing back that brief video that I recorded for you.
Ok, so you get the idea.
That's basically how simple it is.
I'm now going into my little folder.
You can see here, that is the video I've just shown you recorded called test.
We can now go and upload this to YouTube.
What I did in that particular test is I didn't show you how you can get your affiliate link in.
If you want to get your affiliate link in a video so that it's there at all times, what you need to do is when you're setting up CamStudio you need to go here where it says 'Tools, Screen annotations' and you get different shapes that will float around on screen as you're creating the video.
You can see them here.
Let me pull them in.
I just want one of these.
I'm just going to use this orange one here.
All you would is you would edit the text - let's do this real quickly - so whatever your affiliate link is, obviously the shorter the better.
You can buy a domain for that affiliate link that's going to work really well.
You can position this box anywhere within the video.
You just drop it on the screen.
It stays on top of everything.
When you go to record the region and start again, you can make sure that's at the bottom of the page.
Let me just go and demonstrate that for you.
If we go into Record again, I'll click Record, we'll go and do another quick video.
I get my little pointer where I decide where I'm going to record.
I can now say I'm going to record in this area and off we go.
That says 'now recording' and you can see this at the bottom, this affiliate link is shown there at the bottom.
You can obviously expand this, make the text larger, but essentially what that means is the top 20% of the screen you can make sure that your affiliate link is always there, so that when you upload to YouTube people are seeing that link.
If they want more information, off they go and they can go and visit that site.
You can continue reading this article visit http://Affiliate-Millions-Riches.

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