Don"t You Just Hate Network Marketing?
You're told about this fantastic business, the promises of riches only to realise that you then have to sell household products, health and beauty products or whatever it may be to people, and then have to recruit a team of people who are also willing to sell products to people, only to find out that they don't really want to do that! It's difficult isn't it! However, I do like Network Marketing because I think it is an industry which is a "great leveller.
" Ordinary people can make extra-ordinary incomes by simply following a plan and duplicating their efforts by introducing others to do the same.
I read recently that 10% of College Graduates are going straight into Network Marketing organisations such is the attraction of the industry.
However, no matter what your background, shift worker, regular Joe, professional or otherwise, if you can find a product and a company that suits you, anyone can make an extra-ordinary income simply by duplication.
It is said that the concept of Network Marketing is a "lot of people, each shifting a little product".
Incentivising people to team build with a generous pay plan, creates large networks of distributors and these distributors of your product negate the need for chains of stores, warehousing, shipping and many of the other overheads associated with "traditional" business.
It is now big business and as we know there are many very successful companies in the industry.
However, what if you were to find and dynamic, forward thinking company whose product was free? How great would it be to make money giving away a free product? Not only that, but what if this free product actually saved people time and money? It would be easy to give it away would it not? And it would also be easier to build a team of people also wanting to make money giving away something for free! Well, yes! Such a company exists and it's called My Net Universe and it's product is My Shopping Genie, and yes, distributors like myself give it away free! No selling, no delivering and collecting of catalogues, we just give the Genie away! It's fantastic! The Genie is a patented software application built on a Microsoft platform and to put it simply, it finds the best deal for whatever you search for on the internet.
It works with all of the major search engines and as the saying goes "If you can dream it, the Genie will find it at the best prices" What a lovely way to make money, giving away for free, something that will save people both time and money.
We make money when we give away the Genie from pay per click revenue, so the more Genies we give away, the more pay per click we make.
People install the Genie and search for something.
The Genie pops up with the best prices and naturally they then click on links, offers and coupons which the Genie finds for them, and as they click, we make money! Wonderful.
My Net Universe is growing at an incredible rate, but when it was said to David Freed recently, the big cheese of the company, that with the unique product, the fantastic pay plan and the stellar management they have in place, that they could be the largest Network Marketing company in the US, he simply replied " thanks for the compliment, but that's not what we're looking for.
It's the pay per click revolution that is going on that's our goal" Internet advertising is growing at an alarming rate.
Currently worth over $300 billion and predicted to grow to $500 billion this year, it is the pay per click revolution that makes this business so exciting.
Google made $23 billion last year alone from pay per click revenue, how would you like a slice of that pie? Well, you can with this business.
We give away a free Genie, it costs nothing to install, nothing to use and saves people time and money and we get paid when they use it! How fantastic.
Over 1.
2 million Genies have been installed on computers so far saving hundreds and thousands of households lots of money on things they buy everyday.
Even though at present only 10% of retail sales are made online, over 65% of people use the internet for price comparison and the Genie helps them with that, by finding the best deals in an instant! What is even more exciting is that it's now June 2010 and the Genie has just gone live in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia so there are millions upon millions of people who don't yet know how fantastic the Genie is and how it will save them time and money, so that's millions of people we can give a free Genie to and make money when they use it! What a lovely way to make money and there is an awful lot to be made so to find out more and install your own Genie visit my blog and have a good read! You will find lots of useful help and links to my website and also my contact details, so please feel free to get in touch.
Install your own free Genie and see what savings you can make, then get involved with the business and make money giving them away.
It's lovely to help people save time and money.
Saving money is the new "green" so to be able to make money, helping people save money is just brilliant.
" Ordinary people can make extra-ordinary incomes by simply following a plan and duplicating their efforts by introducing others to do the same.
I read recently that 10% of College Graduates are going straight into Network Marketing organisations such is the attraction of the industry.
However, no matter what your background, shift worker, regular Joe, professional or otherwise, if you can find a product and a company that suits you, anyone can make an extra-ordinary income simply by duplication.
It is said that the concept of Network Marketing is a "lot of people, each shifting a little product".
Incentivising people to team build with a generous pay plan, creates large networks of distributors and these distributors of your product negate the need for chains of stores, warehousing, shipping and many of the other overheads associated with "traditional" business.
It is now big business and as we know there are many very successful companies in the industry.
However, what if you were to find and dynamic, forward thinking company whose product was free? How great would it be to make money giving away a free product? Not only that, but what if this free product actually saved people time and money? It would be easy to give it away would it not? And it would also be easier to build a team of people also wanting to make money giving away something for free! Well, yes! Such a company exists and it's called My Net Universe and it's product is My Shopping Genie, and yes, distributors like myself give it away free! No selling, no delivering and collecting of catalogues, we just give the Genie away! It's fantastic! The Genie is a patented software application built on a Microsoft platform and to put it simply, it finds the best deal for whatever you search for on the internet.
It works with all of the major search engines and as the saying goes "If you can dream it, the Genie will find it at the best prices" What a lovely way to make money, giving away for free, something that will save people both time and money.
We make money when we give away the Genie from pay per click revenue, so the more Genies we give away, the more pay per click we make.
People install the Genie and search for something.
The Genie pops up with the best prices and naturally they then click on links, offers and coupons which the Genie finds for them, and as they click, we make money! Wonderful.
My Net Universe is growing at an incredible rate, but when it was said to David Freed recently, the big cheese of the company, that with the unique product, the fantastic pay plan and the stellar management they have in place, that they could be the largest Network Marketing company in the US, he simply replied " thanks for the compliment, but that's not what we're looking for.
It's the pay per click revolution that is going on that's our goal" Internet advertising is growing at an alarming rate.
Currently worth over $300 billion and predicted to grow to $500 billion this year, it is the pay per click revolution that makes this business so exciting.
Google made $23 billion last year alone from pay per click revenue, how would you like a slice of that pie? Well, you can with this business.
We give away a free Genie, it costs nothing to install, nothing to use and saves people time and money and we get paid when they use it! How fantastic.
Over 1.
2 million Genies have been installed on computers so far saving hundreds and thousands of households lots of money on things they buy everyday.
Even though at present only 10% of retail sales are made online, over 65% of people use the internet for price comparison and the Genie helps them with that, by finding the best deals in an instant! What is even more exciting is that it's now June 2010 and the Genie has just gone live in the UK, Ireland, Canada and Australia so there are millions upon millions of people who don't yet know how fantastic the Genie is and how it will save them time and money, so that's millions of people we can give a free Genie to and make money when they use it! What a lovely way to make money and there is an awful lot to be made so to find out more and install your own Genie visit my blog and have a good read! You will find lots of useful help and links to my website and also my contact details, so please feel free to get in touch.
Install your own free Genie and see what savings you can make, then get involved with the business and make money giving them away.
It's lovely to help people save time and money.
Saving money is the new "green" so to be able to make money, helping people save money is just brilliant.