Seven Reasons You Really Want To Get Organized This Holiday Season
As a time management and productivity expert, Im often asked whether "this" is a good or bad time to get organized. Only during tax season is the question asked with equal intensity as the beginning of Fall. Why? Because that's when we're facing deadlines we can't control, change or move. But Fall brings with it even more stress as workloads increase and the pressure to fulfill social and family obligations grows to sometimes unbearable levels.
So just when is the best time to start getting "organized?" Well, when the water's up to your lips you can either learn to swim or drown lamenting not having taken lessons. In other words, most often the very best times to learn something is when you actually need it. In fact, studies show that need actually speeds up the learning process! So now. Now is always the best time. Of course we all need a little inspiration, so here are a few of the best inspirations I tell my clients getting started in Fall:
You will really actually enjoy the holidays
As you learn to plan your tasks at work and at home, perhaps for the first time ever you'll enjoy the luxury of experiencing the holidays having completed much more of what you needed to do, and even some of what you wanted! This year, you'll actually begin to enjoy the season instead of enduring it.
You will really reduce your stress
Disorganization, whether of your time, your projects or environment, is highly stressful. Stress reduces your ability to concentrate, which reduces your ability to get things done properly, which...increases stress! It's a vicious and ever-increasing cycle unless you take simple steps to stop it. Even a little organization can relieve a tremendous amount of stress. And with the cycle shifted, now you'll be not only more effectively productive, but you'll be happier too.
You really could create as much as a week of extra time
On average, disorganized and stressed people waste one, two or more hours a day. Of course that not only increases your stress, but even worse, it reduces your available time. Adding it up, that can be a full week or more over the holiday season alone!. So what would you give to have an extra week for yourself during the holidays?
You really will start the New Year rested and ready
In our anxious zeal to get everything done during the holidays, we almost forget that the moment they are over we have another year ahead. The "I'll deal with that when I get to it" mentality is like banking stress for your future. The result? Even more stressful resolutions we know we'll never complete. But life really can be different. We can start doing small things today that build upon each other to create a new kind of New Year. This time, by the time January rolls around, having gained some real control with simple skills, some real rest and happy memories, you really can start the New Year rested and ready.
You really will gain respect at work
With today's economy, it's become especially important to cultivate our perceived value at work. Gaining, maintaining and growing the respect of your colleagues, bosses, clients and customers is essential to maintaining employment now more than ever. Being frazzled, even if it's just about personal things, can be distracting and discomforting to those around us. As you learn simple and easy to apply tools that dramatically increase your effectiveness and your mood, you will not only catch the admiration of those you work with now, but you'll be providing your superiors with lots of good things to talk about in upcoming reviews too!
You really can save money
Frankly, saving the most money possible takes...well, having the time and focus to do so. By being able to prepare and analyze you can take advantage of incredible sales, be astoundingly creative and enjoy a new sense of control being the master of your own money. Housewives have saved thousands annually just by taking the time to clip a few coupons and shop on the "right" days, just as major finance guru's have used their wits to get in on the best deals. They have the same skills in common: being organized, prepared and calm. What we suffer from during the holidays when we're not organized is the pressure that causes us to buy far too expensive gifts, duplications and miss opportunities all things we can easily avoid with just a few simple tools.
You can learn how to successfully manage your life not just for the holidays, but from now on... really
The skills you learn getting yourself organized this holiday season are the same ones you'll apply to other times and projects throughout your life. The best part is the more you practice them, the easier and more effective they get! In fact, having gotten one of the most challenging experiences under control, the rest of your year will feel like child's play. Really.
If that's not enough, here's a REAL bonus: Youll never have to do it again
Once you have your plan for the holidays, your decorations are organized, your schedule for the end of the year is done, all you need to do is store it in a binder, take it out each year from now on, and just follow what it tells you to do when it tells you to do it. You can change things or add new traditions, or deal with new life situations. But having created your own program, you'll be able to do even that peacefully and productively.
Ready to finally stop buying into the madness of the holiday season and instead take REAL control of your life? It's easy, really. Working with a Time and Organizing expert like myself can give you the tools and support you need to learn the simple tools you too can use to create your own peaceful productivity either through self-managed programs or individual sessions.
For more information about my products and services, please visit for a wonderful self-managed holiday program taking you from seasonal survival to Holiday Delight! Or, check out to see which service, program or class is right for you.
So just when is the best time to start getting "organized?" Well, when the water's up to your lips you can either learn to swim or drown lamenting not having taken lessons. In other words, most often the very best times to learn something is when you actually need it. In fact, studies show that need actually speeds up the learning process! So now. Now is always the best time. Of course we all need a little inspiration, so here are a few of the best inspirations I tell my clients getting started in Fall:
You will really actually enjoy the holidays
As you learn to plan your tasks at work and at home, perhaps for the first time ever you'll enjoy the luxury of experiencing the holidays having completed much more of what you needed to do, and even some of what you wanted! This year, you'll actually begin to enjoy the season instead of enduring it.
You will really reduce your stress
Disorganization, whether of your time, your projects or environment, is highly stressful. Stress reduces your ability to concentrate, which reduces your ability to get things done properly, which...increases stress! It's a vicious and ever-increasing cycle unless you take simple steps to stop it. Even a little organization can relieve a tremendous amount of stress. And with the cycle shifted, now you'll be not only more effectively productive, but you'll be happier too.
You really could create as much as a week of extra time
On average, disorganized and stressed people waste one, two or more hours a day. Of course that not only increases your stress, but even worse, it reduces your available time. Adding it up, that can be a full week or more over the holiday season alone!. So what would you give to have an extra week for yourself during the holidays?
You really will start the New Year rested and ready
In our anxious zeal to get everything done during the holidays, we almost forget that the moment they are over we have another year ahead. The "I'll deal with that when I get to it" mentality is like banking stress for your future. The result? Even more stressful resolutions we know we'll never complete. But life really can be different. We can start doing small things today that build upon each other to create a new kind of New Year. This time, by the time January rolls around, having gained some real control with simple skills, some real rest and happy memories, you really can start the New Year rested and ready.
You really will gain respect at work
With today's economy, it's become especially important to cultivate our perceived value at work. Gaining, maintaining and growing the respect of your colleagues, bosses, clients and customers is essential to maintaining employment now more than ever. Being frazzled, even if it's just about personal things, can be distracting and discomforting to those around us. As you learn simple and easy to apply tools that dramatically increase your effectiveness and your mood, you will not only catch the admiration of those you work with now, but you'll be providing your superiors with lots of good things to talk about in upcoming reviews too!
You really can save money
Frankly, saving the most money possible takes...well, having the time and focus to do so. By being able to prepare and analyze you can take advantage of incredible sales, be astoundingly creative and enjoy a new sense of control being the master of your own money. Housewives have saved thousands annually just by taking the time to clip a few coupons and shop on the "right" days, just as major finance guru's have used their wits to get in on the best deals. They have the same skills in common: being organized, prepared and calm. What we suffer from during the holidays when we're not organized is the pressure that causes us to buy far too expensive gifts, duplications and miss opportunities all things we can easily avoid with just a few simple tools.
You can learn how to successfully manage your life not just for the holidays, but from now on... really
The skills you learn getting yourself organized this holiday season are the same ones you'll apply to other times and projects throughout your life. The best part is the more you practice them, the easier and more effective they get! In fact, having gotten one of the most challenging experiences under control, the rest of your year will feel like child's play. Really.
If that's not enough, here's a REAL bonus: Youll never have to do it again
Once you have your plan for the holidays, your decorations are organized, your schedule for the end of the year is done, all you need to do is store it in a binder, take it out each year from now on, and just follow what it tells you to do when it tells you to do it. You can change things or add new traditions, or deal with new life situations. But having created your own program, you'll be able to do even that peacefully and productively.
Ready to finally stop buying into the madness of the holiday season and instead take REAL control of your life? It's easy, really. Working with a Time and Organizing expert like myself can give you the tools and support you need to learn the simple tools you too can use to create your own peaceful productivity either through self-managed programs or individual sessions.
For more information about my products and services, please visit for a wonderful self-managed holiday program taking you from seasonal survival to Holiday Delight! Or, check out to see which service, program or class is right for you.