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Class Projects for School Auctions


    • Each student in the class is given a square of fabric along with buttons, embroidery thread and fabric safe markers. Allow each student to decorate his square to express his hobbies, interests and personality. Each student should include his name on the fabric square. The teacher can also make a square. Along with the student squares, a square should be made with the school year and another with the school name. Recruit a parent, teacher or school volunteer to help turn the squares into a handmade quilt. For a smaller class, you might need to add blank squares to make a big enough quilt. For a small school, each student and teacher in the whole school can make a square for the quilt.

    Framed Art

    • A piece of art made by the entire class is sure to be a hit with the parents. Choose a class theme, such as animals or shapes. Provide each student with a piece of paper of the same size and explain what you would like drawn or painted. Scan each piece of artwork into the computer and use editing software such as Photoshop to arrange the student pieces into an aesthetically pleasing piece. Bring the finished file to be professionally printed at a copy store or photo specialty shop. Put the artwork into a frame to give it a professional finish.

    Toy Box

    • An unfinished wooden toy box from the craft store easily can become a special piece of furniture. Paint the box a solid neutral color such as white or cream. Students help decorate and customize the box in one of several ways. One option is handprints from each child, which are labeled with a name and date by the teacher. For older children, give them each a plain white ceramic tile to decorate. Be sure each child's name is clearly labeled on the box and that at least one tile has the teacher's name, the school and the date on it. The tiles are then affixed to the bottom edge of the toy box to make a decorative border for the box.

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