Harold Schroeppel"s Advanced Perception Techniques
Advanced perception is any type of perception beyond that of the five senses, perception of information from internal sources, originally known as ESP.
It includes the fairly common phenomenon of precognition, sensing something will happen before it actually does, and deja vu, the feeling of having been in a place or situation before, in another lifetime perhaps.
Most people have experienced one or both of those phenomena.
A less commonly experienced form of internal perception is telepathy, communication from one mind to another through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsenseance, what are considered to be the true psychic abilities of the few who are born with them.
Less common than telepathy, even, are astral projection and it's cousin, remote viewing.
And curiously, many believe that these can be taught.
They are just as internal as any of foregoing.
What makes them teachable and the other not? Closely related to internal perception, perhaps ways of working with it, are the whole range of New Age pursuits: yoga, martial arts, hypnosis, NLP, mind entrainment (manipulation of brainwave speeds), control of the imagination and everyday thoughts to achieve certain goals, biofeedback, lucid dreaming, wholism, to name just a few.
Harold Schroeppel was part of the human potential "explosion" which began in the 1950s and continues unabated to this day.
Harold was an analytical chemist who became interested in the human mind and its abilities.
He believed that inner perception was innate to all humans.
Young children, for example, seem to be very connected to other realms of being.
It has been only recently that parents listen to their children with open minds and acknowledge that there may, in fact, be something real and natural and normal that their children are responding to.
Unfortunately, even the most validated children soon become caught up in this dimension and "lose" the abilities they were born with.
So by 1960 Harold established Institute for Advanced Perception, just outside Chicago, where he scientifically researched methods to draw out the inner perception innate in all humans.
The great-grandfather of the human potential phenomenon was Edgar Cayce, in the early twentieth century.
It wasn't until after WWII, however, that there was a popular notion that "Hey, maybe I can do that too.
And know what? I want to try it.
Why? Because it's there? And it sounds like fun? And I have the leisure and resources to try it.
And maybe it will enrich my life in some way, or give me more control over my own life, or connect me to other interesting dimensions.
" There are as many reasons to pursue heightened awareness as there are people pursuing it, no doubt.
There are even those who believe, as did Harold Schoeppel, that as each individual develops his own potential, society as a whole benefits through the awareness of interconnectedness, awareness that we are not alone, hence increased individual responsibility.
The research that Harold Schoeppel did, and the sixteen sequential lessons that he developed, enable anyone who is interested in inner perception, advanced perception, to find his area of interest and talent and pursue it.
It includes the fairly common phenomenon of precognition, sensing something will happen before it actually does, and deja vu, the feeling of having been in a place or situation before, in another lifetime perhaps.
Most people have experienced one or both of those phenomena.
A less commonly experienced form of internal perception is telepathy, communication from one mind to another through clairvoyance, clairaudience, clairsenseance, what are considered to be the true psychic abilities of the few who are born with them.
Less common than telepathy, even, are astral projection and it's cousin, remote viewing.
And curiously, many believe that these can be taught.
They are just as internal as any of foregoing.
What makes them teachable and the other not? Closely related to internal perception, perhaps ways of working with it, are the whole range of New Age pursuits: yoga, martial arts, hypnosis, NLP, mind entrainment (manipulation of brainwave speeds), control of the imagination and everyday thoughts to achieve certain goals, biofeedback, lucid dreaming, wholism, to name just a few.
Harold Schroeppel was part of the human potential "explosion" which began in the 1950s and continues unabated to this day.
Harold was an analytical chemist who became interested in the human mind and its abilities.
He believed that inner perception was innate to all humans.
Young children, for example, seem to be very connected to other realms of being.
It has been only recently that parents listen to their children with open minds and acknowledge that there may, in fact, be something real and natural and normal that their children are responding to.
Unfortunately, even the most validated children soon become caught up in this dimension and "lose" the abilities they were born with.
So by 1960 Harold established Institute for Advanced Perception, just outside Chicago, where he scientifically researched methods to draw out the inner perception innate in all humans.
The great-grandfather of the human potential phenomenon was Edgar Cayce, in the early twentieth century.
It wasn't until after WWII, however, that there was a popular notion that "Hey, maybe I can do that too.
And know what? I want to try it.
Why? Because it's there? And it sounds like fun? And I have the leisure and resources to try it.
And maybe it will enrich my life in some way, or give me more control over my own life, or connect me to other interesting dimensions.
" There are as many reasons to pursue heightened awareness as there are people pursuing it, no doubt.
There are even those who believe, as did Harold Schoeppel, that as each individual develops his own potential, society as a whole benefits through the awareness of interconnectedness, awareness that we are not alone, hence increased individual responsibility.
The research that Harold Schoeppel did, and the sixteen sequential lessons that he developed, enable anyone who is interested in inner perception, advanced perception, to find his area of interest and talent and pursue it.