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Five Top Website Marketing Strategies For All Online Business

Here they are in a nutshell, the five keys to website marketing that apply to virtually all online businesses.
Utilize these simple strategies when you begin website marketing.
You will achieve maximum returns on your investment, and you will have your viewers coming back again and again.
Focus the majority of your search marketing efforts on linking to and from other like-minded sites.
For every website that links to yours, you have another artery through which viewers can find out more about your business.
Links are really just marketing extensions of your fweb business that get the word out there about your site.
They work 7 days a week 24 hours a day.
Search engines adore websites with many incoming links from other sites.
They view these links as an gauge of a website's importance in its subject matter.
Make site appearance the last thing you assess about your website.
Content is the number one thing to consider when designing your website.
Look at Amazon, Google, and Apple.
They are simple, straight forward, and they lack major flash.
Surfers don't want flash, they want information.
If you give that to them, your site will be a success.
Keep your site active, fresh, and up-to-date
Search engines like to see activity.
This makes your site fresh instead of stale.
Search engine love equals lots of traffic.
People appreciate new information too.
It makes them feel as though your site is cutting edge and valuable.
Make your site easy to use.
Your website is not a maze or riddle whose purpose is to challenge visitors.
Make your site easy to navigate, simple to read, and make the information that they are looking for easy to find.
Put your most important site navigational topics on the left side of the page, as this is where the eye goes first.
Every single page should offer a link to the home page, and try to keep your pages simple and clutter free.
The best website marketing is free marketing.
It will cost time however.
The web world is not like the brick and mortar world, in that there are a lot of effective ways to advertise for free.
Article writing, YouTube marketing, and blogging, are all free.
They just take time.
So there they are, five website marketing strategies that will help you gain traffic and money - two things that will make your website prosper.

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