
    • 1). Attend an Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority "Rush" event, which is hosted by current undergraduate chapter members to meet prospective members.

    • 2). Submit all required paperwork, including two letters of recommendation, official college transcript, letter of matriculation and official application during or immediately following the event.

    • 3). Wait for communication from the sorority. Upon acceptance you receive an official letter and are invited to attend the Membership Intake Process (MIP). Follow all MIP policies and procedures during the pledge period to become a member of AKA.


    • 1). Fellowship with chapter members, because a graduate chapter member must personally invite a potential member to attend the Graduate Membership Intake Process (GMIP). There is no rush event for graduate chapter membership.

    • 2). Verify that you meet the minimum requirements for graduate membership. Only women who have graduated from an accredited college or university with a C+ GPA or higher can gain membership.

    • 3). Begin the GMIP for AKA after receiving an invitation. The official invitation is on chapter stationery and signed by the local graduate chapter president and membership chair. Candidacy is contingent upon approval of graduate chapter members. Upon completion, you will be a member of the sorority.

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