• Hunger affects people of all ages.fresssack image by Nadine M??ller from Fotolia.com

      The problem of hunger at the local, national and international level is a complex and growing problem according to the relief organization, Bread for the World Institute. Economic uncertainties, increased prices for fuel and other production components have resulted and may continue to result in a sustained increase in the price of food. Feeding America, formerly known as America's Second Harvest, estimates that one in six Americans struggles with hunger. There are a number of private and governmental agencies and organizations that provide hunger relief on the local, national and international level.

    The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank

    • Local food banks typically act as the contact point to get food into the hands of needy individuals. The Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank is an example of a local foodbank that has expanded its services to reach an even wider community. Founded in 1982 to bring emergency food to local citizens in need, the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank, as of 2010, provides food resources to more than 400 hunger-relief organizations in eight counties in northeast Ohio. Local agencies provide hot meal sites, food pantries and other services while the Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank serves as the focal point for collecting, sorting and distributing food resources.

      Akron-Canton Regional Foodbank
      350 Opportunity Parkway
      Akron, OH 44307

    Feeding America

    • Feeding America, formerly known as America's Second Harvest, is one of the largest private, domestic hunger-relief charities in America. The organization attempts to meet the needs of domestic hunger victims through an extensive network of more than 200 food banks throughout the United States. In 2009 Feeding America provided food to over 37 million individuals.The organization was responsible for acquiring and distributing approximately 2.5 billion pounds of groceries in 2009.

      Feeding America
      35 East Wacker Drive, Suite 2000
      Chicago, IL 60601

    Bread for the World

    • Hunger knows no national boundaries. International relief organizations such as Bread for the World provide not only direct aid to countries in need, but also provide policy analysis and advocate strategies to end world hunger. Bread for the World generates well-documented studies on hunger issues, provides educational resources to citizens as well as policy makers, and advocates on behalf of impoverished people in the United States and around the world.

      Bread for the World Institute
      50 F Street, NW
      Suite 500
      Washington, DC 20001

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