Pangkor is a small and beautiful island off the west coast of peninsular Malaysia.
It is famous for its sunny and mild climate.
Since Pangkor is a tropical island, the temperatures remain high throughout the year, The highs are around 86 F and lows are typically around 75 F.
So there is a little difference between the day and night temperatures.
The seasonal variations are also slight.
The hottest month can be around 81 F and the lowest 78 F.
The climate is so mild that the all time low here has been 55 F.
Although the total annual rainfall is close to 80 inches, the real rainy season just last from November to February but even the rain in this period is not so heavy as is elsewhere is Malaysia.
A heavy downpour can come in early morning but the rest of the day can be as sunny as ever.
Also during rains, the weather becomes more pleasant and compatible to the foreigners.
By far months from May to September are the best with average monthly rainfall less than 6 inches in each month and days with rain or drizzle about 10 on the average.
Being an island, the average relative humidity remains high throughout the year but the bracing cool air more than offset it.
It is around 80 percent throughout the year.
But despite this humidity the days with fog are few and far between.
From above description, it follows that Pangkor is a tropical island with good rainfall, lot of sunshine and uniformly high temperatures throughout the year.

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