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Using Facebook To Take A Girl Out

You have probably read a lot about guys finding girls on Facebook and actually taking them out.
You probably thought that this was something out of the movies because it could never happen.
The fact is that if you knew how you could make it happen it will happen, there are thousands of men around the world who find girls on Facebook and take them out on a date successfully.
But the trick here is to be honest and original simply because girls get tons of 'add requests' on their Facebook profile not to mention messages that range from outrageous to spam.
If you have found someone on Facebook and have been meaning to ask her out here are a few ideas on how to accomplish that.
Become Acquainted With The Like Button Now this technique will work if you are already on the girl's friends list and have been chatting with her for a while.
The first step prior to asking her out is to start liking her statuses and her photographs.
This should become your mantra 'you post and I like regardless of who does or doesn't' of course you shouldn't tell this to her but it should be in the back of your mind.
The next step is to start commenting on her photographs by saying stuff such as 'looking beautiful', 'great pic' etc.
This should give her the hint but do not ask her out just yet.
The next step should be to post messages on her wall, doing small things she likes etc.
Use the Chat Option Facebook has a great chat option which you should use to chat with her every day.
The objective of your chat should be get to know her and come across as a great guy.
At this point you should just tell her that you like everything about her.
In the beginning it is important to maintain a bit of distance which also creates curiosity.
You should flirt with her every now and then but hold on to yourself since many men can go overboard with this.
Once you feel she is comfortable with almost everything you say or do you should ask her out.
Give Her Attention All women want attention and if you can give this to her on Facebook then you've got her hooked.
The best way to do this is to tag her in photographs, post little snippets everyday and tag her in those, invite her to your group etc.
Do almost anything to make her feel as if you are focused on her but obviously not stalking her.
Exercise - Devise A Game Plan In this exercise you are going to write down how you can talk with that girl you like on Facebook.
Find and post interesting stuff, post pictures, comment on her statuses, post on her wall etc.
You need to come up with unique messages and stuff to say, make sure they are interesting and have more to do with her than it does with you.

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