Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Stop the Divorce! You Can Stop a Divorce From Happening Just Like I Did - Read on For My Experience!

A couple months ago, I was having dinner with one of my friends at home, and she read a newspaper article to me that said the divorce rates were as high as 87 percent in some countries.
She thought that was a typo and there was no way it could be true.
But then we checked it in the Internet and sure enough - it was right.
Shocking? Hardly, to me.
A marriage is a difficult thing to maintain which requires some qualities  in your character such as loyalty, responsibility and commitment.
These qualities aren't the strong points of year 2009.
 Which means that you should be congratulated for trying to save your marriage instead of just letting it go.
Unfortunately, I have lived through the experience of being in an ending marriage.
And it truly is one of the worst things that can happen to you - I know this very well.
Our marriage wasn't going very strong - but I still wanted to continue with it.
My husband - not much so.
 I was alone in trying to save my marriage and this was the worst feeling of it all.
If we both wanted to stop the divorce, we would be able to talk, find a way out, or seek marriage counseling.
When you are alone, none of those are real options.
When you are alone, you turn to the inside for guidance on stopping the divorce.
But that's actually final nail on your marriage's coffin - since you are very desperate and very sad; your very emotional state of mind won't be able to come up with what it takes to stop this divorce from happening.
This is exactly what happened with me - I couldn't think of anything else than pleading my husband.
And that made everything worse.
This is why, to stop your divorce; you have to realize the fact that you, as a guide for stopping this divorce, are completely unreliable.
You have to stop doing what you "feel like".
You need to consider every action you take - so it's about time you ask for some outside source for advice.
Work with somebody to construct a plan of action to save your marriage.
What saves marriages are carefully thought plans - not begging and pleading out of sheer desperation.

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