Relationship Problem Advice: How to Stay Married When You Can"t Stand It!
I have had it.
I just can't take it anymore.
Do these phrases sound familiar? Do you think you can't live anymore like this and divorce is the only answer? You are not alone I have been there and many others.
But you know this already what you are trying to find out is how do you stay in it when things seem hopeless? My friend this is what this article is about.
By the time you finish reading this article you will find answers and find the strength to stay in your marriage.
Let me make one thing clear from the jump no matter how many times you reiterate your point of view and as logical as it may sound you cannot make her listen or work to change.
I know you know this but how many times have you had the same argument? How many times are you fighting about issues that seem so simple in your mind but somehow seems like a foreign language to her? Believe me I wasted years on the same issues until I finally stop trying to do it.
So what do you do then? You sit in her shoes and look at things from her point of view.
What! Before you stop reading hear me out on this.
Once you stop the insanity of trying to get your point across a point she is not going to hear anyway you leave the door open for real change to begin.
You do not give up your points or try some reverse psychological games you just try to hear her out.
Next you get alone and you begin to pray.
You ask your maker to intervene and tell him all of your anger and frustration and explain to him that you can no longer stay in this marriage without him.
I know this may go everything you may be thinking now and you may not even feel like doing it but trust me he is waiting for you to get to this point.
No God is not a punisher waiting for you to show you up he wants you to realize how much you need him to do anything.
He delights in marriage and is the creator of marriage.
As you come to him and express your need for his help he and only he can begin to ease the quarrels between you and your wife.
He opens her mind to hear your needs and ease the tension.
The simple truth is marriage was never intended for you to try to handle on your own.
I know this breaks the rules of what many relationship gurus preach but it's true.
Your next step after prayer is to begin to write a love letter to your wife telling her all the things that made you fall in love with her.
Now believe when you are angry this is the hardest thing to do trust me when I say I have been there.
The key here is to be sincere so with all the will you can muster just think back and remember how she made you feel.
Remember how much you couldn't wait to kiss her and just loved being around her.
Try to focus on the outfits she wore that turned you on, if you need to get some old pictures of her anything to help you assemble the warm feelings you once had for her.
Now translate those feelings to a letter she can touch and feel.
Mail the letter to her or put it where she is sure to visit often.
I just can't take it anymore.
Do these phrases sound familiar? Do you think you can't live anymore like this and divorce is the only answer? You are not alone I have been there and many others.
But you know this already what you are trying to find out is how do you stay in it when things seem hopeless? My friend this is what this article is about.
By the time you finish reading this article you will find answers and find the strength to stay in your marriage.
Let me make one thing clear from the jump no matter how many times you reiterate your point of view and as logical as it may sound you cannot make her listen or work to change.
I know you know this but how many times have you had the same argument? How many times are you fighting about issues that seem so simple in your mind but somehow seems like a foreign language to her? Believe me I wasted years on the same issues until I finally stop trying to do it.
So what do you do then? You sit in her shoes and look at things from her point of view.
What! Before you stop reading hear me out on this.
Once you stop the insanity of trying to get your point across a point she is not going to hear anyway you leave the door open for real change to begin.
You do not give up your points or try some reverse psychological games you just try to hear her out.
Next you get alone and you begin to pray.
You ask your maker to intervene and tell him all of your anger and frustration and explain to him that you can no longer stay in this marriage without him.
I know this may go everything you may be thinking now and you may not even feel like doing it but trust me he is waiting for you to get to this point.
No God is not a punisher waiting for you to show you up he wants you to realize how much you need him to do anything.
He delights in marriage and is the creator of marriage.
As you come to him and express your need for his help he and only he can begin to ease the quarrels between you and your wife.
He opens her mind to hear your needs and ease the tension.
The simple truth is marriage was never intended for you to try to handle on your own.
I know this breaks the rules of what many relationship gurus preach but it's true.
Your next step after prayer is to begin to write a love letter to your wife telling her all the things that made you fall in love with her.
Now believe when you are angry this is the hardest thing to do trust me when I say I have been there.
The key here is to be sincere so with all the will you can muster just think back and remember how she made you feel.
Remember how much you couldn't wait to kiss her and just loved being around her.
Try to focus on the outfits she wore that turned you on, if you need to get some old pictures of her anything to help you assemble the warm feelings you once had for her.
Now translate those feelings to a letter she can touch and feel.
Mail the letter to her or put it where she is sure to visit often.