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How to Make an Airplane With a Cardboard Box

    • 1). Find a rectangular cardboard box or carton. Milk cartons work very well, but anything that is a long and narrow will do. This is your fuselage.

    • 2). Make the wings. Cut a piece of cardboard into a long, narrow rectangle or equilateral triangle. Glue the wings to the top of the box near the front.

    • 3). Make the tail. Cut a shorter triangle out of cardboard. Glue it to the top of the box at the back.

    • 4). Make the tail fin. Cut a triangle out of cardboard and glue it on top of the tail flaps. You may have to reinforce it with tape to get it to stand up straight.

    • 5). Paint the box all one color. White or a light color will work best, because it will make it easier to add details later.

    • 6). Paint the window to the cockpit on the front of the box. Paint the pilot and copilot sitting in their seats.

    • 7). Paint a row of windows on each side of the plane as black arches. Inside each window, paint someone looking out.

    • 8). Paint a flag or insignia on the tail fin, such as your name or simply a design that appeals to you.

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