Health & Medical Sleep Disorders

Insomnia - What"s Keeping You Awake at Night?

If you're reading this, you or someone close to you that you really care about is really having trouble either going to sleep or staying asleep.
We all see the latest drugs advertised on TV for the latest, greatest solution to your problem of insomnia.
Are you a bit leery of all those side affects that are described at the end of the ad? Me too! If your physicians are unable to determine the cause of your insomnia, there are some things you may want to give a try to see if your sleeplessness can be stopped.
Your inability to sleep throughout the night can be once in a great while, for a short period of time, or a lasting condition.
These are also considered in terms of less than one week, one to three weeks or longer than three weeks.
Doesn't matter, right? It causes havoc in your life whenever it happens.
Insomnia Causes Insomnia can sometimes be caused by physical problems but is often caused by your inability or lack of understanding of how to deal with stressful issues in your life.
Often your insomnia can be relieved by changing some of your daily habits.
If your physicians are unable to determine the cause of your insomnia, there are some things you may want to give a try to see if your sleeplessness can be alleviated.
Your inability to sleep throughout the night can be once in a great while is pretty common for everyone.
When it is a longer period of time or feels like a lasting condition, it is time to take action.
Some of the reasons for once in a while and short period insomnia may be the same such as loud noises, too hot or too cold temperature in the room, changes in your work schedule, post surgical or medical illnesses, and the most common of them all-stress.
So what can you do to help relieve your sleeplessness? Insomnia Solutions oWatch your alcohol intake.
An excess may stimulate your senses whereas a glass or two of your favorite drink may make you drowsy.
oBe sure to get at least 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.
oRefrain from or at least severely cut down on your sugar and white flour intake.
oConsider testing for a lactose intolerance.
oTry avoiding gluten for a short time.
oUse the bed and bedroom only for sleeping.

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