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Save America - Burn the Union Label

In a Free Market System the Unions do not fit.
That is why only 7% of the private sector is unionized.
The public sector has 37% of its work force unionized because of the mob tactics they use to bludgeon state and local governments into submission.
Simply, they still scare the daylights out of state and local politicians.
Thankfully, as Wisconsin is currently illustrating, that is about to change.
The public sector is the last bastion of power for the unions.
The unions are getting desperate as they can no longer threaten the private sector as they would be laughed out of the room or the companies would simply move their businesses to another country.
The Free Market System lets supply and demand determine the value of a task performed.
That value is determined by output.
How much does the task completed add to the output of the organization? Unions determine the salary by how much they can get with no correlation to the value of the task performed.
In the private sector a business is free to assign workers to the tasks needed, in the union tasks are portioned off to different individuals raising the cost to the business and to the consumer.
The above is the primary issue with unions.
Another issue is fairness.
In the private sector the rest of us have to pay for our insurance and pensions benefits.
Public servants are just that, they are not due the special privileges that the private sector is not able to offer.
For some reason union people seem to think they can tell the employer what they are going to do and how much they are going to be paid for it.
Try that in the private sector.
Public employees need to learn that We the public will determine what they are to be paid and We the public will determine what their jobs require just like any other business in the country.
Public employees need to be on the same level as the rest of us as we are the ones that are paying their salaries.
Lastly, if it is unionized, it is broke and not performing adequately.
Is this a coincidence? I think not! The evidence of the unions harm can be illustrated by the examination of the 3 major sectors that they are still relevant in.
These areas are education, manufacturing, and public service.
It is no coincidence that all three of these areas are in catastrophic condition.
Our children cannot read yet we have the highest cost per student in the world.
That is a direct result of the unions.
Our city and state governments are bankrupt and the primary debtor is UNIONS.
Our manufacturing is all going overseas, why? Because manufactures cannot afford to pay union wages and still remain price competitive.
That is what has happened to our auto industry.
Unions force companies out of the country as study after study shows.
That is why the Union cancer must be removed from our public sector.
The private sector has already done this to a large extent and will continue to do so on their own.
If left to the Free Market System, the union will be purged automatically over time.
History has shown this to be true as illustrated by the fact that in the 50's almost 38% of the private sector was unionized and now less than 7% of the private sector is currently unionized.
It is further proof that unions are not viable in a Free Market System.
Vague concepts and catch phrases like the "rich get richer" or "corporate greed" while sounding nice do not stand up to the harsh realities of fact.
They cannot and should not be considered the basis of any valid justification for the unions continued existence.
The GOP has begun the "good" fight and standing up for the majority of Americans and American workers, that is why I am proud to be APoorRepublican.

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