What to Do to Get Her Back - Way to Get Your Ex Back by Pulling Her Strings!
Admit it.
After she dumped you, you've tried everything.
You've left flowers at her doorstep.
You dropped sweet postcards into her mailbox.
Her Facebook is overflowing with your desperate love confessions (that is, if she hasn't blocked you first).
And none of this got you anywhere.
Forget everything you've learned about getting your ex back - the best way to get your ex back is by pulling her emotional strings.
Women aren't complicated - just like men, they respond to certain signals, messages and behavior.
Read on to discover what they are - and what to do to get her back.
First of all, let's get something straight here - flowers, letters and pleas have failed to win your ex back.
Stop all of them - it's time for a change of strategy.
Instead of showering her with attention, you need to play upon every woman's biological desire to date an alpha male.
Remember that biologically, women always want to be with the strongest male of the pack.
If you act like one - even if you aren't one in truth! - your ex will be instantly attracted to you and do everything she can to win you back.
To make her consider you an alpha male, you simply need to stop putting her on a pedestal.
Instead, project the independent, uncaring attitude typical of an alpha male.
Women love challenges - they crave men who don't fall into their arms and who need to be won over instead.
The moment you start being a challenge in her eyes will be the moment when she starts trying to win you back - instead of the other way around! To play on these emotional strings, begin by cutting contact with her.
This sounds suicidal, until you realize that, by stopping yourself from asking her for another chance over and over again, you're becoming the very challenge she craves.
The more time passes without you calling her, the more anxious she will become - and the more focus she will be on winning you back.
Cutting contact - commonly known as the "No Contact" technique - is an extremely powerful way to get your ex back.
It forces your ex to consider whether she's prepared to go on without you - and, often, she will start having second thoughts, because a break-up is never an easy decision to make.
Not only will you make her question her decision, but she will also grow to respect you for showing strength and not begging her all the time.
After she dumped you, you've tried everything.
You've left flowers at her doorstep.
You dropped sweet postcards into her mailbox.
Her Facebook is overflowing with your desperate love confessions (that is, if she hasn't blocked you first).
And none of this got you anywhere.
Forget everything you've learned about getting your ex back - the best way to get your ex back is by pulling her emotional strings.
Women aren't complicated - just like men, they respond to certain signals, messages and behavior.
Read on to discover what they are - and what to do to get her back.
First of all, let's get something straight here - flowers, letters and pleas have failed to win your ex back.
Stop all of them - it's time for a change of strategy.
Instead of showering her with attention, you need to play upon every woman's biological desire to date an alpha male.
Remember that biologically, women always want to be with the strongest male of the pack.
If you act like one - even if you aren't one in truth! - your ex will be instantly attracted to you and do everything she can to win you back.
To make her consider you an alpha male, you simply need to stop putting her on a pedestal.
Instead, project the independent, uncaring attitude typical of an alpha male.
Women love challenges - they crave men who don't fall into their arms and who need to be won over instead.
The moment you start being a challenge in her eyes will be the moment when she starts trying to win you back - instead of the other way around! To play on these emotional strings, begin by cutting contact with her.
This sounds suicidal, until you realize that, by stopping yourself from asking her for another chance over and over again, you're becoming the very challenge she craves.
The more time passes without you calling her, the more anxious she will become - and the more focus she will be on winning you back.
Cutting contact - commonly known as the "No Contact" technique - is an extremely powerful way to get your ex back.
It forces your ex to consider whether she's prepared to go on without you - and, often, she will start having second thoughts, because a break-up is never an easy decision to make.
Not only will you make her question her decision, but she will also grow to respect you for showing strength and not begging her all the time.