How to Make Candy Corn Potholders
- 1). Draw a piece of candy corn on a piece of paper about 7 inches wide and 10 inches high. Draw on the lines for the sections of yellow at the bottom, orange in the middle and white at the top. Use about 4 inches for orange and 3 inches for the other sections. The bottom should be slightly rounded. Cut the sections out of the paper and use for a pattern.
- 2). Fold the material like a fan so when you cut, you will end up with 4 pieces. Pin the pattern pieces on its correct colored material and cut it out. You should have 4 pieces of each section.
- 3). Put the right sides together of the top of one piece of yellow and the bottom of one piece of orange and sew together. Now put the right sides together of the top of the orange and bottom of the white and sew. You should have one section that looks like a piece of candy corn. Iron the seams out, folding down the orange to orange and yellow to yellow. Then orange to orange and white to white. This makes the potholder look much neater. Now sew the other pieces in the same fashion, so you end up with 4 pieces that look like candy corn.
- 4). Pin one of the pieces of candy corn on the cotton batting like a pattern and cut it out. Repeat for another piece of batting. Pin one candy corn to both sides of a piece of batting with the right sides of the candy corn facing out.
- 5). Pin the binding all the way around the candy corn starting at the top. When you get back to the top pin the binding over the starting point and add two extra inches. Loop it up an inch and back down, pin the edge back to the starting point. This will give you a loop to hang your potholders if you choose.
- 6). Sew on the binding at the very inside of the edge. Go all the way around and just over the starting point. Then, sew in reverse to catch the other edge of your loop. Sew back and forth over the edges again to lock in the stitch. Repeat the whole process with the other potholder and you're done.