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How to Connect a Hook and Eye to Multi-Beaded Strings

    • 1). String the crimp bead onto each string of beads.

    • 2). Thread the bead strings through the eye on the J-hook.

    • 3). Maneuver the bead strings back through the crimp bead. Pull all the strings and tie them in a loop, positioning the clasp inside the loop.

    • 4). Squeeze the crimp bead tightly shut with the crimping pliers.

    • 5). Trim the beading strings as close to the crimp bead as you can, using the scissors.

    • 6). String a second crimping bead onto the opposite end of the beading strings.

    • 7). Thread the strings through the eye, or ring, of the hook and eye jewelry finding set.

    • 8). Turn the beading strings back and thread them back through the crimp bead. Pull every string and tie a loop, placing the ring inside the loop.

    • 9). Smash the crimp bead tightly shut over the strings.

    • 10

      Trim the bead strings close to the eye ring and cut.

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