Travel & Places Other - Destinations

Saskatoon Tourism - Discover Pike Lake

Let's face it - Saskatchewan has a lot to offer, regardless of where you decide to holiday! We have beautiful lakes, the badlands, sandy beaches, star filled skies, golf courses and of course sunrises & sunsets that seem to last forever! There are prairie landscapes & forests that you wish you could frame and take home.
Our parks are inviting & comfortable for the seasoned camper or the first time novice - all you need is a desire for adventure and you are off to create some terrific memories! "Okay, so Saskatchewan sounds pretty good - but, why should I choose Pike Lake for my vacation destination?" Hmmm - fair question! How about (are you ready?) Location, Location, Location! Pike Lake is uniquely located within close proximity of the Largest City in Saskatchewan - so you can relax & decompress in your torn jeans & T-shirt all day at the park, play a game of golf, soak in either the pool or lake, splash down on the water slide, go for a canoe or pedal boat ride around the lake, feed a squirrel, watch the birds, take pictures of your niece feeding a duck or posing near a white tale deer (Whew - deep breath here!) Are you ready? - only a mere fifteen minutes away from Pike Lake is one of the most cosmopolitan Cities on the prairies.
Saskatoon offers; First Class Dining, Serious Shopping Options (for the mall-aholic), Museums, Art Galleries, Beautiful Mature Architecture, the University of Saskatchewan Campus, Heritage Park, a Wildlife Zoo, Sidewalk Cafés, Antique & Collector Shops, Entertainment, Dancing, Clubbing, (Pizza!) Well, you get the idea! "So what is Pike Lake?" Both The Pike Lake Provincial Park & Pike Lake communities owe their name to the small recreational lake for which they are adjacent - there are homes & cottages in both.
The river decided to detour and found an easier route to follow and Pike Lake was formed! This lake is known as an oxbow (for the curious in the crowd).
"What's special about the Pike Lake area?" Treat yourself to a hike or get out the bicycle (don't forget your camera & binoculars!).
In short order, you will find the land simply changes from unspoiled prairie, to sand dunes & hollows covered with sage & cypress, to areas of original indigenous Aspen & Popular groves, and finally the land becomes a fertile area of golden crops before dropping down to the South Saskatchewan River with its Saskatoon berry bushes & willows - the sand bars & islands teaming with waterfowl.
In the period of about an hour you will experience the thrill of seeing wildlife and landscapes that you would otherwise have to travel hundreds of miles to see! I wasn't kidding when I said unique! "So I want to experience all the really exciting things Pike Lake has to offer? How do I get started?

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