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Everything You Need To Know About Purex Liquid Laundry Detergent

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If you are already a Purex user, you may notice that your bottle of detergent now says Triple Action - Bright. White. Clean. The entire line of liquid detergents has been reformulated by Purex research and development scientists to deliver better cleaning and improved brightening of clothes.

The Name Has Changed...The Product Hasn't

NOTE: Triple Action Purex is now Dirt Lift Action Purex. There is no change to the product formula or ingredients...just a rebranding.

New and improved Triple Action Purex, with introduction to the United States in 2012, covers the entire line of liquid Purex laundry detergents. The line includes:
  • Purex - Original Fresh, Mountain Breeze, After the Rain, Lavender Fresh
  • Purex Free and Clear
  • Purex Natural Elements - Linen & Lilies, Lilac & White Lavender
    The new formula leverages the best of the old formula and adds additional ingredients to improve performance. Here's a comparison of product ingredient listings:
  • Ultra Purex - Water, Cleaning Agents (anionic and nonionic surfactants), Fragrance and Colorant
  • Triple Action Purex - Water, Alcohol ethoxy sulfate, Sodium carbonate, Linear Alkylbenzene sulfonate, Sodium chloride, Alcohol Ethoxylate, Sodium polyacrylate, Fatty Acids, Disodium Diaminostilbene disulfonate, Tetrasodium edta, methylisothazolinone, Fragrance, Liquitint blue
    Triple Action Purex can be used in high-efficiency (he) washers and in regular washers. It is safe to use with septic tanks and contains no phosphates. Product instructions are offered in English and Spanish. The bottle contains at 25 percent or more post-consumer plastic and can be recycled.

    Triple Action Purex is offered in a 50 fl. oz. container which will wash 33 regular loads of laundry. The suggested retail price is around $6.50 per bottle.

    Henkel and Purex Products

    Purex products including liquid laundry detergent, powder laundry detergent,Purex 3-in-1 laundry sheets, liquid fabric softeners, dryer sheets, Complete Crystals in-wash softener and laundry enhancersMagic Release and color safe bleach are manufactured by Dial Corporation of Henkel North America. Other Henkel products are Zout, 20 Mule Team Borax and Sta-Flo Starch.

    Henkel is an international company that produces adhesives, cleaning products and personal care products around the world. Many familiar United States Brands - Loctite, Soft Scrub, Dial Soap, Right Guard, Soft 'n Dri - are products of Henkel.

    The name Purex was coined in 1923 for a chlorine bleach developed by Lionel and Ray Precourt. By 1946, the Purex company added their first powdered laundry detergent, Trend. In 1975 liquid laundry detergents hit the shelves and the Purex brand has continued to grow and offer new products. Their 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets received a 2010 Edison Award for Best New Household Product.

    About Laundry Recommendation

    I tried out Triple Action Purex - Mountain Breeze (Purex' number one fragrance) on our regular laundry loads - whites, jeans, colored clothes, sheets and linens. Following the package directions and using cold water, our normal soil laundry came out clean and smelling fresh. I was pleased that the Mountain Breeze was a faint one and not an overpowering gust!

    On some stained - oil, ketchup, chocolate frosting - items, I used the liquid detergent as a pre-treater. I just worked a bit into the stain and let it work for about 10 minutes before adding the stained clothes to the regular load. All of the stains disappeared. These were fresh stains that were treated with 24 hours.

    For heavily-soiled items like ground-in mud, I filled my washer with detergent and water as usual and allowed the clothes to soak overnight. The next morning, I drained the solution and washed as usual and the clothes came out clean. The key to successful laundry is often patience and allowing the product to work. You will not see loads of suds due to the he formula. That's a good thing. More suds means more need for rinsing to remove all of the detergent residue.

    The need for the extra step comes because Triple Action Purex does not contain a significant amount of enzymes that are needed to remove certain types of stains with just one wash.

    My biggest complaint, as usual, is with the measuring cap. There are subtle lines around the cap that indicate the amount to use for a small, regular or large load. The wide band on the cap is actually for large loads rather than a regular load. Be careful not to overdose your machine. This is especially important in front-loading or high-efficency (he) machines.

    Purex laundry detergents can be found in most grocery stores, mass merchandisers and drug stores. You can also purchase the products online.

    Disclosure: Review samples were provided by the manufacturer. For more information, please see our Ethics Policy.

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