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3 Steps For Extra Income From Your Blog - Search Terms Plugins Are A Must Have

If your not using some kind of search term tagging plugin, you really need to.
Tagging plugins  will list the search terms people used to find your WordPress blog.
If you're making any money, you probably know most of the terms (keywords) already but I guarantee, if you use one of these  plugins, you'll find more search terms people use you never thought of and didn't know about.
Then in a manner of minutes, you can pop that search term  into your auto blogging plugin, and boom, you'll have products or posts or better yet both, which should bring in more traffic and hopefully a sale or two too (I couldn't resist two too)! CASE IN POINT: I have a blog about flags and sell flags and accessory type stuff.
One day I noticed the keyword phrase in my search terms list  "where to buy color guard uniforms.
" I checked and saw real quick that I've been getting daily searchers because of a recent automatic post I have about color guard flags.
It wasn't a product post but an article.
It took me about 5 minutes to set up the Amazon and eBay automatic product poster I use for the search term "color guard uniforms" and in about 10 minutes, I had 20 posts with associated products for Amazon and eBay listed.
Within 4 hours of adding this, I had 2 sales at eBay and 1 at Amazon.
Not a fortune, about 20 bucks in commissions, but the point is, you need the right equipment for the job and you have to take advantage of a situation when ever you can.
It doesn't always happen like this but it's cool when it does.
1st Step: get your hands on a search terms type plugin.
Should be free and most have a learning curve that's  about 2 seconds long.
Yes, they're really simple to set up.
2nd Step: you need a great plugin to pull Amazon products and if your on the eBay Partner Network, eBay products.
For that matter, you can use a plugin that pulls in products from anywhere, as long as they carry the product that goes with the search term.
3rd Step: you have to take a peak every once in a while at the list your search term plugin  makes for you automatically.
Every time you notice a new or different search term, optimize a page for it and start making some more money.
Generally, I pull about 50 products at a time and drip them in at about 8 per day.
This keeps the search engines visiting and it's not too many to make your blog look UN-natural.

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