How To Make an Origami Fish Step-by-Step
- 1). Place a 6-by-6 inch piece of paper down, with the colored part facing up. Fold the paper in half so that the bottom portion is touching the top portion. The backside of the paper should now be face-up.
- 2). Fold down the top flap half-way so that it is folded down diagonally. The fold should be in the shape of a triangle. This is one of the fins.
- 3). Flip the paper on the other side so that you are looking at the half-sheet of origami paper. Fold down the flap half-way so that it is folded down diagonally. You are folding it the same way as you folded the other side. The fold should be in the shape of a triangle. This is going to be the other fin.
- 4). Fold down the tip of the triangle, about 1/4 inch of the way down. You should now be left with two fins and the middle portion is going to be the head.
- 5). Use a pencil to draw a line at the top point of the head. Take the pointy part and use your finger to push it inwards. The fish nose should not be pointy, it should be flat.
- 6). Use a pencil to draw in eyes.