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JUST IN CASE: What Biz Emergencies Are You Prepared For?

Everyone knows life is always full of unexpected surprises.
Some Good, Some Bad..
But no matter how severe or how simple an emergency, it still messes up your daily routine.
So you have to be prepared to handle certain emergencies that are just a part of life.
We all get sick, or maybe your children has a mild illness.
What if one day a thunder storm knocks out not only the power but everything plugged into that source.
Are you prepared to deal with the loss of your computer?? Who Can You Turn To If You Have To Take A Hiatus From Your Business? These are just some of the problems that you may face at any time or any place.
DID YOU BURY YOUR COMPUTER TODAY?? What can you do if your pc crashes ? If it is still fixable then you can take it to the repair shop or if you have the money available, you can just buy another one..
But since money doesn't grow on trees, there are some simple solutions to deal with a missing computer.
Duh, Use a Friends Computer Technology is becoming cheaper these days, therefore every where you turn someone owns a computer these days, so you can always ask a friend or relative for the use of their computer.
If that is not an option or they just told you No, plain and simple..
You can always go to the Public Library.
Free, Free, and Free.
There, enough said..
You can also check in on some deals to rent a computer for the time being.
In the long run, it can add up, but if you are debating between the loss of potential sales because you are not able to process orders, or receive important email, then yes this will be money well spent.
It doesn't matter how brilliant or how stupid your online business plan is, if you don't have a computer, you have sort of thrown yourself out of the game before you even had a chance to pitch.
DO YOU HAVE A BIZ BUDDY?? If you have to handle an emergency out of town or need to be hospitalized for any reason whatsoever, can someone else handle your business until you are better? Maybe Your Spouse Or A Good Friend? Now since our business seems fairly high tech to everyone else, your biz buddy would have to someone you would trust with your email, your passwords, access to your website control panel.
You know those little things Your Biz Buddy shouldn't be someone you have exchanged two emails with and figure that you really know this person.
Some of the best friendships have been those that were formed online, even relationships.
But especially Business Relationships have really took off online.
Always have a backup Owner.
Sounds funny but depending on the nature of your business, the reality is customers and clients can only wait so long.
It is good to have at least someone who may be able to --Publish An Issue Or Two -Answer Email -Make Changes To Your Website -Process Orders For You JUST SOME PLAIN 'OL BACK UP ADVICE These emergencies are more common.
Loss of files, and programs in your computer.
While we have to deal with viruses on a daily basis, just a simple backing up of our files will save you hours of endless frustration.
Whether you have a cd-rewrite able drive, or a bunch of floppy disks, online storage or just have everything printed out, how can you protect your files and business without a back up.
If one of your business plans didn't work out, what would you do? Give up, because that was the only plan you had, or just came up with a back up plan.
The whole point of this is to get you to realize that although emergencies come up that are unavoidable, you can still prepare yourself JUST IN CASE...

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