Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Birthday Ideas for a 30 Year Old


    • Your 30th birthday is an excuse to take an amazing trip. So take your partner, best friend or whomever you want and head out. Go on a road trip across the country and check out national parks, wineries and roadside food stands. Revisit your younger years by heading back to your college town and stopping by your favorite haunts. Or go all out and take that trip to Europe you've been putting off.

    Era Party

    • Have a party that celebrates each era of your life. Set up four stations at the party, one for childhood, one for the teen years, another for the 20s and a third for your upcoming 30s. Serve different foods and drinks at each station. For example, have fruit juice and snack crackers at the childhood station. For the teen years, serve sodas and pizza. In the 20s section, serve cheap beer and an easy-to-make pasta. For your more sophisticated 30s, serve wine and gourmet cheeses or sushi. Play music that you loved at each stage of your life.

    Decade Party

    • Throw a party that celebrates the decade in which you were born. For example, 30-year-olds who were born in the 1980s would have an '80s-themed party. Play '80s music and ask all your guests to dress in '80s outfits. The teased hair, large shoulder pads and skin-tight acid-washed jeans will be enough to keep everyone laughing all night long. Create a cake based on whatever your favorite 1980s cartoon was, such as He-Man, Care Bears or Strawberry Shortcake.

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