Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Split Rosemary Plants

    • 1). Water the plant well the day before you plan to divide it.

    • 2). Dig the hole for the new rosemary plant with the shovel.

    • 3). Gently loosen the soil around the layered root system using the shovel or garden fork.

    • 4). Cut the layered root from the mother plant with a sharp knife.

    • 5). Gently shake most of the dirt from the root system and spread the roots in the bottom of the prepared hole.

    • 6). Cover the roots with dirt and gently pack it.

    • 7). Gently water the new plant until the soil is very moist. You can use a watering can or a garden hose. Adjust the water pressure on the hose to a stream the size of a pencil to prevent eroding the soil around the new plant.

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