Restaurant Marketing in Tough Times
Restaurant marketing is tough as it is.
But add a down economy and marketing your restaurant gets a lot tougher.
The purpose of this article is to show you a simple way on how you can dominate your competition, bring in more customers, create more visibility and make more money in your restaurant.
The method I am writing about is known as text message marketing, SMS marketing, or simply, mobile marketing.
BUt for the restaurant owner or manager, this is restaurant marketing at its best.
What this involves is the ability to send coupons, daily specials and special announcements right to your customers' mobile phones.
It is a rather new way of marketing, but it has already proven itself to dramatically increase sales and it does so virtually at your command.
Here's how it works: Let's say you are having a slow day at your restaurant.
Normally, there would be nothing you can to at this point to bring in those much needed customers and sales.
But, what if you could instantly send a text message to your customer base, advertising a special discount or a "2 for 1" deal that is only good for that day...
and that message reaches your customers no matter where they are because, like the rest of us, they are carrying their cell phones with them? Do you think you could generate some business? Absolutely you could.
In fact,the example I have just described is typical, proving that text message marketing works just that good! Here's a recent case study: A well known frozen yogurt shop started their mobile restaurant marketing campaign offering a free topping for those that signed up for the store's text message service.
In just over three weeks, that single "test" store had 422 subscribers.
When they sent out their first text message coupon, they had 93 customers redeem that coupon (a 22% response rate).
Their subscribers quickly grew to over 1,000 and they added mobile marketing in all their locations.
So, if restaurant marketing is part of your duties, it is imperative that you look into a mobile marketing solution for your business.
But add a down economy and marketing your restaurant gets a lot tougher.
The purpose of this article is to show you a simple way on how you can dominate your competition, bring in more customers, create more visibility and make more money in your restaurant.
The method I am writing about is known as text message marketing, SMS marketing, or simply, mobile marketing.
BUt for the restaurant owner or manager, this is restaurant marketing at its best.
What this involves is the ability to send coupons, daily specials and special announcements right to your customers' mobile phones.
It is a rather new way of marketing, but it has already proven itself to dramatically increase sales and it does so virtually at your command.
Here's how it works: Let's say you are having a slow day at your restaurant.
Normally, there would be nothing you can to at this point to bring in those much needed customers and sales.
But, what if you could instantly send a text message to your customer base, advertising a special discount or a "2 for 1" deal that is only good for that day...
and that message reaches your customers no matter where they are because, like the rest of us, they are carrying their cell phones with them? Do you think you could generate some business? Absolutely you could.
In fact,the example I have just described is typical, proving that text message marketing works just that good! Here's a recent case study: A well known frozen yogurt shop started their mobile restaurant marketing campaign offering a free topping for those that signed up for the store's text message service.
In just over three weeks, that single "test" store had 422 subscribers.
When they sent out their first text message coupon, they had 93 customers redeem that coupon (a 22% response rate).
Their subscribers quickly grew to over 1,000 and they added mobile marketing in all their locations.
So, if restaurant marketing is part of your duties, it is imperative that you look into a mobile marketing solution for your business.