Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Send a Puppy Bouquet

    • 1). Gather the recipient's delivery address, your credit card information and the wording that you want to add to the gift card.

    • 2). Research florist companies in your area and visit their websites to get a feel of how they create their puppy bouquets.

    • 3). Contact the florist company of your choice and inform the representative of your intent to order a puppy bouquet.

    • 4). Provide the representative with the information of the "puppy style" you want. Give the representative your name and billing information. Give the representative the recipient's name and delivery address.

    • 5). Select the date that you want the arrangement to be delivered. Note: Some florist shops offer same-day delivery.

    • 6). Provide the representative with the gift card message and wait for her to process your order. Write down your confirmation number before you disconnect the call.

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