War Against Christianity
I received a letter in the mail the other day from William J.
It was in response to a petition I had signed supporting school prayer.
Maybe you do not recognize the name.
His mother was Madalyn Murray O'Hair.
Perhaps that name is more familiar.
She filed the lawsuit to kick prayer out of public schools over forty years ago.
Of course now we have an effort to ban "One Nation Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.
Why? There is a war against Christianity and this is just a small part of it.
Today we have terrorists trying to destroy America.
Suicide bombers are just the latest form of brutality against the Jews.
Attempts to oppress and destroy the Jews have been going on since Biblical times.
Of course there was Hitler and now the Palestinians.
Some people feel America is hated because we support Israel.
We are hated because we are a Christian nation.
There are far too many people defending such hideous acts and evil people.
People now defending Saddam Hussein.
People defending poor Yasser Arafat, a terrorist from way back.
Poor Yasser, leader of poor Palestine.
Reports are now coming out that Arafat has stashed away some 1.
3 billion dollars for himself.
That is billion.
Meanwhile his people live in poverty.
So where did a man like Arafat, who has never had a job in his life get all that money? You can bet that it was taken from the billions in aid sent over the years, in large part from America.
Our tax dollars to a murderer.
Many of the people defending these monsters are right here in our own country.
The same liberals who repeatedly bash our own president in a time of war.
Done for mere political gain.
They seem to prefer that our country suffer just so they can blame the Republicans for it.
They put our country at risk and seem to have no conscience.
We see Rosie O'Donnell on Nickelodian promoting gay parenthood and now the plan is for an HIV puppet for Sesame Street.
Any way possible to undermine Christian values is used.
Abortion is an alternative for a woman.
Fathers have no say.
Cloning humans is a way to bypass God.
The list goes on and on.
I will probably go into detail on many of these efforts to undermine Christianity in future columns.
What you can see here is a blueprint for this attack on Christianity.
It is another attack on America.
Another attack on our freedoms.
Political correctness says to tolerate all forms of indecency.
The only ones who are not tolerated are the Christians.
Religious freedom is allowed for Muslims, not Christians.
The terrorists want to destroy America and Israel.
The evil of this world trying to destroy the God of the Bible.
William J.
Murray is now the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition.
He knows that our nation was founded on the faith of our fathers.
The Christian daugher of the atheist who filed suit against the Pledge of Allegiance will probably go on to do great things as well.
The Bible is still the best selling book of all time.
Israel still exists despite all the efforts throughout history to eliminate the Jews.
George W.
Bush is President despite efforts to rewrite and twist the constitution after the election was held.
The liberal behemoth CNN has fallen behind Fox in the news ratings.
Christians dominate the best seller lists and talk radio.
Despite all the efforts brought against what is good, evil has not triumphed and the war is not over.
It was in response to a petition I had signed supporting school prayer.
Maybe you do not recognize the name.
His mother was Madalyn Murray O'Hair.
Perhaps that name is more familiar.
She filed the lawsuit to kick prayer out of public schools over forty years ago.
Of course now we have an effort to ban "One Nation Under God" from the Pledge of Allegiance.
Why? There is a war against Christianity and this is just a small part of it.
Today we have terrorists trying to destroy America.
Suicide bombers are just the latest form of brutality against the Jews.
Attempts to oppress and destroy the Jews have been going on since Biblical times.
Of course there was Hitler and now the Palestinians.
Some people feel America is hated because we support Israel.
We are hated because we are a Christian nation.
There are far too many people defending such hideous acts and evil people.
People now defending Saddam Hussein.
People defending poor Yasser Arafat, a terrorist from way back.
Poor Yasser, leader of poor Palestine.
Reports are now coming out that Arafat has stashed away some 1.
3 billion dollars for himself.
That is billion.
Meanwhile his people live in poverty.
So where did a man like Arafat, who has never had a job in his life get all that money? You can bet that it was taken from the billions in aid sent over the years, in large part from America.
Our tax dollars to a murderer.
Many of the people defending these monsters are right here in our own country.
The same liberals who repeatedly bash our own president in a time of war.
Done for mere political gain.
They seem to prefer that our country suffer just so they can blame the Republicans for it.
They put our country at risk and seem to have no conscience.
We see Rosie O'Donnell on Nickelodian promoting gay parenthood and now the plan is for an HIV puppet for Sesame Street.
Any way possible to undermine Christian values is used.
Abortion is an alternative for a woman.
Fathers have no say.
Cloning humans is a way to bypass God.
The list goes on and on.
I will probably go into detail on many of these efforts to undermine Christianity in future columns.
What you can see here is a blueprint for this attack on Christianity.
It is another attack on America.
Another attack on our freedoms.
Political correctness says to tolerate all forms of indecency.
The only ones who are not tolerated are the Christians.
Religious freedom is allowed for Muslims, not Christians.
The terrorists want to destroy America and Israel.
The evil of this world trying to destroy the God of the Bible.
William J.
Murray is now the chairman of the Religious Freedom Coalition.
He knows that our nation was founded on the faith of our fathers.
The Christian daugher of the atheist who filed suit against the Pledge of Allegiance will probably go on to do great things as well.
The Bible is still the best selling book of all time.
Israel still exists despite all the efforts throughout history to eliminate the Jews.
George W.
Bush is President despite efforts to rewrite and twist the constitution after the election was held.
The liberal behemoth CNN has fallen behind Fox in the news ratings.
Christians dominate the best seller lists and talk radio.
Despite all the efforts brought against what is good, evil has not triumphed and the war is not over.