Health & Medical Self-Improvement

The Hidden Jewels Of Creative Thinking

What is creative thinking? It is having the ability to think outside the box.
 So don't limit yourself.
 By this I simply mean that you don't have to invent the next amazing money making idea.
Creative thinking has no boundaries.
The potential of creative thinking is within you, all you have to do is apply yourself.
You will have most likely come across someone in your life whose finances have been quite tight.
But they still wanted to send their child to horse riding lessons.
And to your amazement they managed it.
That is creative thinking.
Really, you do not have to be a scientist for NASA and plan a mission to the moon to be able to think creatively.
You may have even heard the saying "work smarter not harder".
This is the core of creative thinking, it is all about thinking in different ways to achieve things you want to have or aspire to in your life.
It is about moving away from the everyday mundane reptilian thinking.
Reptilian thinking is just taking things in and not processing anything that will get you closer to your goals the most it may achieve is that you may remember what you watched on television for a few hours.
On the other hand this could be beneficial information or knowledge.
I am not condemning people who watch television I am just using it as an everyday example.
As some statistics show the average person can watch over 20 hours of television a week, which in most cases numbs the creative potential within people.
Creative thinking will make things happen in your life when you take the time to focus on what you really want and achieve.
Let's face it, do you know anyone who wanted things in their life and it just ended up in their lap.
Very few I guess, unless you are counting people who have won the lottery or had a large windfall.
The truth of the matter is creative thinking will bring clarity to your thought process and make the cogs of your mind work more smoothly and efficiently.
Slowly the mundane and the reptilian thought processes begin to be broken down while the creative mind will become refined, polished, and focused.
Creative thinking awakens the subconscious mind that has been lying dormant as you have not asked for its service.
The subconscious mind has an incredible power once you start to use it, rely on it, and trust it.
The subconscious mind loves detail the more you give it the more it will refine what you request from it.
As long as you believe that the hidden jewels of creative thinking are within you, then you are on your way to become a creative money making expert.

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