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Will Crossing the Digital Divide in The Third World Help Human Rights?

Most believe that the best way to help human rights in the third world is to open up the Internet and allow information to flow-in.
By doing this it will allow access to information and bring down dictatorships, bad governments, or propel change which will be good for freedom, liberty, human rights, and humanity in general.
Is this reality possible, or is their more too it? Well, it's hard to say really, although not long ago an acquaintance mentioned to me that unethical regimes would have a much more difficult time in brain washing their masses.
True enough, and yet the Internet is mesmerizing and often creates false realities on its own.
And there are specific cases of manipulation of the masses in all forms of media, even the masses themselves manipulate and control each individual within.
See that point? You should.
So, would brain-washing by governments go way if the digital divide was completely crossed and information got to all corners of the globe? Here are some of my thoughts on this topic below: Doubtful, there is all sorts of brain washing and censorship online, look at China, Pakistan, etc just for starters.
Don't underestimate nationalism, rote memorization in school, re-enforced repetition of religion, governments, authority, and such.
And what about the over-bearing social aspects of convincing the mob, "go along with the mob, and be one with us, join the global consciousness" don't you see it, it's a scam to control your mind, it's BS.
What's the difference; "Be a Pepper, Drink Dr.
Pepper!" All these social online networks are all just social branding, social engineering.
The Internet itself now is socially engineering humans - it could so easily be turned against them, people better watch out.
There are several large scale movements afoot, President Obama's election was just one example, what about Global Warming? What about all the anti-US sentiment? All in the name or peace, unity, environment - and yet much of what happens has the opposite effect.
Remember hate is also spread by media, and the media is now part of war, being exploited by Hamas, Hezbollah, and the Russian spies in the US who were caught were all over it too.
See that point? If you want to be a soldier in their army, a socially motivated crowd for change which is being controlled, what's the difference? Each group is just another a name; Democrat, Environmentalist, Obama-rama, Global Citizen, Anti-war movement - and all these groups are no better than those they accuse, and in fact, their actions can bring down civilizations, societies, and destroy trust within the citizenry, even condemn innocent people, character assassinate them to further their own cause.
You see, as long as you go along with the strongest movement at the time you stay safe, but remember tides turn - yesterday your cause was just today condemned or vice-versa - it's all sound and fury, it's all a reaction, it's all a choice to pay or play, but in the end, what was the result? Good or Evil? It's all in how you look at it, where you choose to play your character in the Virtual Reality Game, we call the Life Experience.
Most of our society has chosen previously to side with a cause, or stand against or for something; chances are you will choose again, along with everyone else.
See that point Mr.
Pepper - or puppet on a string? What's behind your mirror, who are you really? Now then, when crossing the digital divide, we would need to get devices into everyone's hands, just like TVs in every home brought in instant information of its day.
But don't forget that media was able to brain wash too.
Okay so, India's $35 laptop and One Laptop Per Child could close this gap.
This is not an immediate solution, it will take time to close the digital divide, but once it's closed - I ask what about the individual, original thought, what about that? This would take at least a full generation to effectively have a change on the minds of those against the West.
Of course there is also the cultural clash.
If the US uses the Internet wisely yes, but the Internet can easily be used against us too.
Forcing our views onto a culture could backfire, and trying to win the hearts-and-minds will be noticed by those who wish to control their people, in their fight against us, and they know best which levers to push since they are fully immersed in their own cultures, beware.
This is a dangerous game - and when the game reaches all corners of the globe, you can see the potential for abuse.
Think on this.

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