Family & Relationships Conflict

Best Ways to Get Over a Breakup and Get Back Together

If the sleepless nights and loneliness are starting to feel unbearable, understand that there is hope.
There are things you can do to become stronger and start feeling better today.
There is also a specific approach you can take if getting back together is what you really want.
Either way, it's time to start having a normal life again and get on the road to healing.
Fighting any negative feelings of loneliness and heartache is the natural response that most people take right after breaking up.
The problem with this approach is that whatever you resist, persists.
In other words, the more you resist these painful feelings, the stronger they will become...
the exact opposite of what you want.
Instead, take an attitude of acceptance.
Accepting these painful feelings rather than trying to escape from them is the first step towards healing.
You can start to feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders the second you start to truly feel acceptance.
You're probably experiencing a strong feeling of being out of control.
This can lead to feelings of panic.
Being in "panic mode" can make you do things that are out of character for you.
If you're anxious to get back together with your ex, make sure you get these anxious, "panicky" feeling under control before attempting a reunion.
If you don't get these emotions under control, there is a good chance you will do things that appear desperate.
This kind of behavior will only drive your ex farther away.
The best way to get over a breakup is to take time off from contacting your ex and work on getting your head clear and getting out of panic mode.
Stay busy doing things that make you happy, spend time with your loved ones and basically pamper yourself (but don't feel sorry for yourself.
) The idea is to build up your strength and independence and get back to being your old self again.
Your ex will see that you're no longer acting desperate to get back together and they will be much more open to getting back together.
Plus, taking a break will allow them a chance to miss you.

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