Information on the Favorite Foods of Earthworms
- Red clover is a favorite earthworm food. It is a plant that is commonly seen by people and sometimes referred to as a weed. It is known to spread out quickly, sometimes crowding out other plants. Earthworms will eat the live red clover. A red clover plant can be identified by its particular leaflets. Its leaflets feature a pale "V" mark. An average red clover can get to almost 20 inches in height, and it also has flowers that are either pink or purple.
- Another favorite food of the earthworm is the American sycamore. The American sycamore is a huge hardwood tree that typically grow between 60 and 100 feet. An earthworm will eat the dead leaves of an American sycamore tree when they have fallen to the ground. The trunk of an American sycamore is large, with the diameter ranging in between 2 and 4 feet. In some instances, the diameter of an American sycamore tree has been up to 15 feet.
- The skunk cabbage is a plant with big leaves that is known to grow in wet areas. This plant can be found near marshes, ponds, streams and wet woods. You can identify this plant easily by its large leaves that rise up from the ground. Earthworms will eat this plant live. The skunk cabbage is known to be poisonous to mammals, including humans. It is a plant that is among the first to bloom during springtime, blooming anywhere from February to May.
- The Kentucky bluegrass is a type of dense grass that features upright and smooth stems. Clusters of greenish flowers can be found at the top of the stems of Kentucky bluegrass. It is a most common kind of bluegrass, and it is also capable of reaching a height of between 1 and 3 feet. An earthworm will eat the dead leaves of the Kentucky bluegrass, and it will also feed on its roots and its stems. This grass can grow in moist or dry soil, and it can also crowd out other grasses and plants.