Home & Garden Do It Yourself



Raising chickens is a simple hobby that provides eggs and meat for you and fertilizer for your garden. You can build a chicken coop right in your own backyard and reap the many benefits and support sustainable living and organic gardening practices. Building a chicken coop is not just for farmers. There are many people who live in urban and suburban areas that enjoy free organic eggs daily from their easy to maintain chicken coops.

You do not need to be a skilled carpenter. You don't need complicated plans or expensive building materials. As long as the chickens' basic needs are met, they will be happy and healthy. The most common mistake is making the coop too small. You want to make sure the coop and the yard will not accumulate puddles of water during a rain storm. Be sure to include a door large enough for you to enter the coop to collect eggs and clean. Consider putting windows on the south facing side for ventilation in the summer and to allow the sun to warm the coop in winter. Buy chicken wire or other fencing to enclose the yard.

A chicken coop is accompanied by a run, which is the chickens' outside area. The scope of the run can vary greatly depending on local conditions, the type of predator wild or domestic that might be lurking around seeking a free chicken meal and anything else that could be a threat to the well-being of the chicken. Make the chicken hatchway door so that it is hinged at the bottom and can be opened down to form a ramp.

Building your own chicken coop just makes economical sense. You can build a chicken coop at just a fraction of the cost of buying a pre-built one. Most pre-built chicken coops you buy need to be assembled anyway, you're really just paying hugely inflated prices for the material.

Building a backyard chicken coop will be one of the best investments you'll ever make.

For instructions a child could follow please click here: [http://tinyurl.com/nttb67]

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