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Pressure Cleaners - A Current Look At The State Of The Industry

Pressure cleaners, also referred to as water blasters, high pressure water cleaners, is an industry generally dominated by the Italians with large manufacturing support.

As recent as ten to fifteen years ago, there were as many as 60 different manufacturers of pressure cleaners still operating in Italy which is the largest manufacturer in the world by far. It is only very recently that China has really entered this industry and now have many manufacturing bases cloning pressure cleaners based on cleaners from Italy.

While China has entered the pressure cleaner market quickly, the overall quality of manufacturing still has a long way to go to challenge the Italian industry in this field.

China have made a particularly large entry into the petrol powered pressure cleaner market, especially cloning motors such as Honda. With manufacturing costs more attractive than anywhere else, the petrol pressure cleaners allow for a more affordable quality option compared to the smaller machines made from this machine.

The Chinese market has yet to enter the hot water pressure cleaner market in large numbers, although their entry into the smaller cold water cleaners marker has seen mixed success in relation to reliability. The Hot Water pressure cleaner which basically heats it's own water in the unit after it has been pressurized, is a lot more complicated than the cold water pressure cleaner. When the quality of the steel improves and the quality control process in manufacturing improves, Chinese machines will quickly become take over the marker share in relation to hot water pressure cleaners.

The Pressure Cleaner industry world wide is enormous but the Industry as a group is very disorganised as a collective body and as such there is very little statistical data available on realistic market size, market share and joint manufacturing research and development.The larger companies are concerned about sharing technologies and sales figures, therefore have no immediate want for an all encompassing body.

The other stumbling block with obtaining statistics from companies is that not of them rely on the same markets.Some focus solely on the small electric machines for the domestic market, other solely on large machines for the industrial market while others manufacture for all markets.

Domestic or hobby machines make up most of the market, especially in Australia based on number of sales alone. This could also be similar around the world, although as noted above, there are no statistical evidence to prove this.

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