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Petraeus - Mp3 Downloads
The helicopter slowly began spinning up, its blades chopping through the crisp morning air, the whine of the turbine pierced the blanket of silence in the middle of the desert. General Petraeus walked to the copter, his face somber in contemplation of the demonstration he had just witnessed. The new weapon would be crucial on the War on fear, or at least Petraeus thought it would be. General Petraeus had given Petraeus an MP3 player with several MP3 downloads on it, describing the different functions that the weapon could play.
General Petraeus had just seen the future, he knew, and he was unsure what to make of it. A weapon of this sort changed everything, it had a one hundred percent accuracy rate, and it's effectiveness was unrivavled. The MP3 downloads were soft, a soft voice spoke of the planet would be fought. And yet Petraeus wondered would clamor for the world if a weapon of this sort were ever released. Governments around the world would clamor for the weapon, they would all invest trillions of dollars to develop the same technology, and after all was said and done the world would only be a more dangerous place. The helicopter was running at full head speed now, the pitch of its rotors neutral so as to not take off, yet. There was one final demonstration that would be shown to the central to look down on the US Army.
A signal was given, that the helicopter took off while General Petraeus listened to his MP3 downloads in the passenger area. The voice spoke softly in his ear, firmly ordering him to look rose out of the ground. Petraeus did, and saw that the weapon was to be demonstrated one again. The device rose out cacti. the sand like a serpent from its hole, directing itself towards a nearby group of green cacti. The tip plant there in the Cacti disappeared. In it's place barren sand laid bare, as if there had never been a plant there in the whole history of that piece of soil. Petraeus looked away, and turned off his MP3 download player. "In this brave new world, to be curtains for weapons that will not, nay, cannot ever be used. For if they pleasures in the end for us all, and yet they are invented anyway, because man delights in the power of his own destruction." Petraeus said. He tapped the pilot and told him to take him back to the airport, he had seen enough. "Very well." The pilot said. The helicopter's collective increased, its nose pitched forward to move as quickly as possible. The MP3 download player in Petraeus's ear began to play again, its play button pushed by the seat belt linkage surrounding the general's waist. The quiet voice decreased in volume until it was no more than a whisper. "This weapon will change the world. If you don't want it, we'll give it to somebody else." It said. Petraeus took off his headphones and threw the sinister MP3 download player on the floor. "Not on my watch." Petraeus said, his mind already creating a plan by which to destroy the weapon.
General Petraeus had just seen the future, he knew, and he was unsure what to make of it. A weapon of this sort changed everything, it had a one hundred percent accuracy rate, and it's effectiveness was unrivavled. The MP3 downloads were soft, a soft voice spoke of the planet would be fought. And yet Petraeus wondered would clamor for the world if a weapon of this sort were ever released. Governments around the world would clamor for the weapon, they would all invest trillions of dollars to develop the same technology, and after all was said and done the world would only be a more dangerous place. The helicopter was running at full head speed now, the pitch of its rotors neutral so as to not take off, yet. There was one final demonstration that would be shown to the central to look down on the US Army.
A signal was given, that the helicopter took off while General Petraeus listened to his MP3 downloads in the passenger area. The voice spoke softly in his ear, firmly ordering him to look rose out of the ground. Petraeus did, and saw that the weapon was to be demonstrated one again. The device rose out cacti. the sand like a serpent from its hole, directing itself towards a nearby group of green cacti. The tip plant there in the Cacti disappeared. In it's place barren sand laid bare, as if there had never been a plant there in the whole history of that piece of soil. Petraeus looked away, and turned off his MP3 download player. "In this brave new world, to be curtains for weapons that will not, nay, cannot ever be used. For if they pleasures in the end for us all, and yet they are invented anyway, because man delights in the power of his own destruction." Petraeus said. He tapped the pilot and told him to take him back to the airport, he had seen enough. "Very well." The pilot said. The helicopter's collective increased, its nose pitched forward to move as quickly as possible. The MP3 download player in Petraeus's ear began to play again, its play button pushed by the seat belt linkage surrounding the general's waist. The quiet voice decreased in volume until it was no more than a whisper. "This weapon will change the world. If you don't want it, we'll give it to somebody else." It said. Petraeus took off his headphones and threw the sinister MP3 download player on the floor. "Not on my watch." Petraeus said, his mind already creating a plan by which to destroy the weapon.