Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Care for Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia

    • 1). Plant your Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia in well-drained, sandy soil. Pick a spot that receives partial to full sun. After transplanting, fertilize heavily and keep the ground moist for its first spring and summer.

    • 2). Maintaining your established Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia is relatively easy. The Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia requires average watering, but is drought resistant. Do not prune the lower limbs, allow them to grow to the ground. The roots can be damaged easily, so it is best to leave them alone.

    • 3). Enduring a cold snowy winter differentiates the Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia from other magnolias. The Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia can grow in zones 6 to 9 and is resistant to heat, humidity, deer, wind and rabbits.

    • 4). Expect early blooms. The Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia has been bred to bloom at a young age and average Edith Bogue Southern Magnolia blooms from mid-summer to mid-fall. The flowers are large, creamy-white and fragrant. Its leaves are glossy, dark green and often used in Christmas decorations.

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