How to Troubleshoot Westinghouse Solar Christmas Lights
- 1). Inspect the area to determine if the Christmas lights are receiving adequate sunlight. They are solar powered, and they need light from the sun to work. If the days have been cloudy, the lights won't work properly or not at all.
- 2). Check the switch. It should be in the "on" position to allow the rechargeable battery to reach maximum capacity.
- 3). Switch the unit off for three to five sunny days to charge the batteries. If the unit still does not work, then the batteries could be dead or corrosion could be causing them to malfunction.
- 4). Twist the top cap off the solar Christmas lights to expose the battery cover, photovoltaic cell and LED light.
- 5). Remove the screws with a Phillips screwdriver and put them somewhere safe. Take off the battery cover, exposing the batteries and the circuit board.
- 6). Remove and check the batteries for corrosion. If you find any green or white substances on the battery, remove this corrosion with fine steel wool or a small brush.
- 7). Check the positive and negative battery terminals where the battery rests. If you see any corrosion or deposits, this can affect the way your lights work. Clean away any corrosion from this area, in the same way as you did in Step 6.
- 8). Check the batteries with a volt tester. To use the volt tester, turn the switch on the volt meter to direct current or DC. Set the red end of the volt meter on the positive end. The black end of the volt meter goes against the negative terminal of the connector. If the battery reads under 1.0 volts, replace the battery.
- 9). Test the solar voltaic cell with a volt meter in the same manner that you tested the batteries. Test the voltaic cell in direct sunlight. The proper voltage should be 2.3. If the meter reads less than 1.5, replace the voltaic cell.
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Inspect the batteries to make sure you have them in the correct direction. Check to make sure that they have good contact with the spring and terminal. - 11
Look at the size of battery you are using. The battery should be the same type and voltage as required in your owner's manual. If your Christmas solar lights need four hours of sunshine to recharge, they will now need eight hours.