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3 Differences And Similarities Between A Normal Tv And A Waterproof Tv

The differences and similarities between a normal TV and a Waterproof TV
The emergence of these new products Waterproof TV is the bathroom design industry changes. Electronic, digital bathroom design era is about to replace the traditional design style. The Future bathroom is no longer a place to wash the sieve, a lot of modern people to move TV, telephone, fitness and so on, into the bathroom to enjoy the bathroom Life. Mr.RA Jens J.Wischmann show that the future design of intelligent bathroom waterproof products andgreen and healthy will be the main trend of design in the "bathroom habits - International bathroom trends". Mr.RA Jens J. Wischmann is VDS bathroom President of the Association of Germany. Luxurite brand of waterproof TV will lead you to achieve it.
Luxurite can make your hot tub session more enjoyable by having these installed in your bathroom. Let us understand the differences and similarities between a normal TV and a Waterproof TV.

First, Waterproof TV is designed with sealed waterproof structure. The TV board is coated with a water-resistant sealant. The water-resistant sealant has a waterproof, anti-high temperature properties. it can protect the circuit board is not damaged by water vapor. because the TV will be installed in the bathroom, The bathroom long-term with high humidity.

The second, Luxurite Waterproof TV has two audio devices, one is external speakers, the other is built-in speakers. The built-in speakers is designed with waterproof. luxurite waterproof TV is product with special glass panels, it are different from the ordinary acrylic panel. After The glass panel was installed before the processing of steel, and steel, has become solid.

The third, Safety: A normal TV placed near a hot tub has many risks associated with it. There is a possibility of short-circuit, electro cutting and other damages with a normal TV. Whereas a waterproof TV is very safe to use near a hot tub. Luxurite TV with Ultra-thin glass panels that make the Balance of internal and external temperature.

The last. customise the glass panel. You need to decide whether the glass panels need to have a mirror effect. Luxurite with three colors for the panels, including the black mirror, silver mirror, pearl white, Also you can customize the color of the panel.

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