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Are All Women Solar Powered? - Dating Characteristic of Women

In the months of the winter, the white snow falls and the scenery is beautiful in its whiteness.
However, something seems to be missing.
The living breathing beauties seem to be missing from such a fantastic scene.
We assume that the truth is the girls really do not like the winter and therefore cover their beauty up with thick clothing.
It is a fact that girls are less tolerant of the cold than men.
And we wonder where all the pretty girls have gone in this period.
However, when summer comes, we can see beauties everywhere in the city.
That gives the impression that the girls have disappeared during the colder months or are like birds that switch habitats according to the weather.
When the sun comes, they look brightened up as well.
Suddenly we see pretty girls wearing the clothes of the latest fashion, and in abundance.
Therefore there is a theory that the girls are solar-powered.
Perhaps they seal themselves away in the cold months and metamorphosize when the hot days come.
Actually while most men are used to reaction, the females prefer action.
They know what they are going to wear in summer because they had a plan mapped out weeks or even months ago.
In the freezing snowing seasons they went to the gym to work out, and warm themselves as well.
They care about their appearance way beyond the vainest man.
It's not just the appearances that are better when the sun is hot; everyone feels happier and friendlier too.
They feel healthier, more sociable and more vibrant.
It's good to take advantage of people's good mood and go out there to meet new people.
When Lady Luck smiles, you may find yourself finding a new date.
Perhaps the men should learn something from them and spend more effort on improving our appearances.

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